Mal's Blog: GM Games

Posted by Malaika on Nov. 3, 2007, 7 a.m.

Okay, so when I said I wasn't developing Ordos Machina anymore, the reason why is because I'm devoting my time to a few other projects.

The main one of these projects is, of course, Fear Tactics. I've been looking at the story and game mechanics, and I'm still working all of that out.

But first the game needs a name change. I'm thinking something along the lines of


What do you think? I kinda like it - simple and elegant, but with a darker undertone. I'll see if I can get a preview title screen or something for it, just so I can see what the name would look like in the game. I know that's a little silly, but its important!

I'm also developing the card backgrounds and the actual battle system (which for those who don't know will be a virtual dice-based card game).

The most important thing, and the thing that has held me up for this long, is the ability to add external content. I would eventually love to be able to release a 'core' game to you guys, and then add extra content later on (mainly extra creatures). The thing that gets me is implementing them in the game SMOOTHLY. This will take a LOT of work, and a great deal of very careful thought needs to go into the engine. Which is why I'm going to say, while you may get sneak peeks of creatures in the game, don't hold your breath for even the demo version - this one will take some time.

On a blog-related note, I've decided I might take some time out here and there to talk about some tidbits of info you guys might find useful. Things like developing a design document, feature lists of games, graphics, sound and story. It could be interesting.

Is that enough? I think I wrote a lot. These blog entry boxes need to be bigger, damn it!

Anyhoo, let me know if there are any particularly cool features you'd like to see Pandora have, or awesome creatures that I like, totally HAVE to like, LITERALLY add or whatever.

:3 byee


JoshDreamland 17 years, 3 months ago


flashback 17 years, 3 months ago

Not Pandora: There are too many games either named Pandora or with Pandora in the name.

Requiem 17 years, 3 months ago

How about Pyxis? (Latin for box, as in, Pandora's box)

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 3 months ago

Greek would be more fitting.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 3 months ago

Scrap that, the greek word in only Latin characters sounds crap.

melee-master 17 years, 3 months ago

Hey, welcome back Malaika.

Tyranic-Moron 17 years, 3 months ago

Sounds awesome ^_^

Would that allow player-created expansion packs too?

Malaika 17 years, 3 months ago

Not sure yet. I'm thinking that, unfortunately, it may wreck the game to allow players to add their own content. It will need to be carefully balanced.

chicklet 17 years, 3 months ago

i was trying to pull it by the draw string just to get it to start rolling and then it started but it started rolling a whole lot faster then i had expected it to…

Amarin 17 years, 2 months ago

Long time no see, Mal. (don't know if you remember, but this is mageknight53, I met you when I was somewhat a noob ^_^;)

I never noticed this blog post until now, damn, I'm slow.