Love, Sex and Rome

Posted by Malaika on May 15, 2006, 3:18 p.m.

Okay, well… I think that after Big Brother, and that lovely talk about certain bodily organs and certain relatives in the chat the other day, that we've definitely had enough sex-talk for the week.

Although its interesting, I think, that people find it so interesting. I think people like teetering on a knife's edge in conversations. Talking about sex is like playing with fire - especially with your friends. I've had 'those' conversations all the time, and yes they're great fun, but it baffles me as to WHY… Maybe cos they're cute an' all…

Ah damn, I've messed up the order. I skipped love. Dammit. Well… Love Actually was good… And I love… stuff… and people…

Has anyone seen the television series 'Rome'? Anyone from Britain may have (I'm from Australia and it's not popular here - nobody knows about it). Its a very well made show, that goes into the Roman Empire's dark underbelly. Great watch. Almost like a soft porn movie though… Still good… [^^] Definitely check it out if you like political intrigue…

And in final news, before I go to UNIVERSITY YAY!!! I'm feeling better now and I can go to class. I also have to stop smoking so much. AAAANNND Danse Machina is going swell, the first level is nearing completion, and it's fairly long. And hopefully Starscape gets submitted soonish so you can all play it [^^]

I'm starting to run out of new ways to say goodbye, so lets try it in different languages:

au revoir ! Jusqu'à ce que j'écrive après !


flashback 18 years, 9 months ago

Woot, I'm not the only french-speaker on 64digits anymore :D

ludamad 18 years, 9 months ago

You were before? How well do you speak french flashback?

Pandaroo_Fang 18 years, 9 months ago

At certain times yeah, sex convos come up cause… >.> the people in the convo are cute :D

but then sometimes it's just funny….extremely pointless…but funny. Well…least from my point of view.

and nu v.v never..Rome…mm nu >.>;;

here's some french for ya!!

Toodles :3

melee-master 18 years, 9 months ago

Je suis plus fantastique que Ludamad, parce que je suis Melee-Master!

JW 18 years, 9 months ago

Rome was good. :D Only I once watched it with my grandma, she didn't really like it. :P BTW: You are talking about the uncensored version, in America they only showed the censored one I believe.

Juju 18 years, 9 months ago

Pfft… I speak Russian and French… :P

Rome was a good series, although the whole sex scenes did get over-the-top frequently.

neonut99 18 years, 9 months ago

I speak french and so does melee. We are canadians.. go figure