Indie gaming

Posted by Malaika on May 16, 2006, 8:07 p.m.

I went to a conference last night at the Atari Melbourne House building. The theme for this one was competitive gaming and sports.

I don't see why its so difficult for these people to make up their mind whether competitive gaming is a sport or not. To clarify things: they still haven't decided. I'm not entirely sure whether gamers should WANT to be considered sportspeople but whatever.

The next one will be a conference about E3. They've got a nice lineup atm, with Steve Fawkner (Infinite Interactive) and someone from Tantalus. It should be good. Personally I'm more interested in the GDC (a little more development oriented, a little less publicity-oriented) but a talk from people in the industry, and free alcohol afterwards, there's something to be said for that [^^]

DM still coming along fine.

Anyway. Indie games. There's a trend recently with indie games - they're really beginning an emergent phase in the community. Once long ago, indie was 'IT'. Even the great developers nowadays began closer to indie. And now we're seeing a return. Its fantastic for us as game developers in general, and even better for me, because I plan to make a living selling my games [:)].

Its very interesting in particular, when you get into the marketing side, looking at ways that indie games advertise their products. Of course indie developers haven't got $75 million to spend, so intelligent marketing is much more important. Sneaky buggers.

Is it just me, or is it getting more frequent for game magazines to include GM games on their cover cds. Obviously its never blatantly obvious ([^^]) but anyone that uses GM would recognise the loading screens and the basic gameplay mechanics of these things. I don't know who makes them, and I've never seen any popular GMG games on a cover cd, but it DOES happen. Kinda makes you feel all gooey inside.

Well, goed tot ziens x0x0 (hehe l33+5p34k hugs!)


elmernite 18 years, 9 months ago

I got one of my game's into the cover cd of a magazine in the Czech Rebublic. Of course, seeing as how I'm over here in the USA I couldn't ever get my hands on a copy. The magazines called Level.


Joewoof 18 years, 9 months ago

Awesome news. [^^] Sounds like a great time to join the industry. We future professionals all should bring the stagnant age of uncreative sequels to an end. Yay.

neonut99 18 years, 9 months ago

Woot! Indies!