Mal - Results are in!

Posted by Malaika on July 2, 2006, 2:19 a.m.

WEEE!!! I've got my semester 1 results back! Don't know what I got for individual assignments, but I got straight High Distinctions across my subjects! I feel special…

Anyhoo, most of them were in the 80-90 range, but I got a 91% in interactive design (i.e. the unreal tournament 2004 levels).

Not that anyone is even slightly interested, but I'm all excited. tehehe…

well, I'm going back to Melbourne on Tuesday. Broken Hill is great and all, but frankly I think its a little depressing. Maybe its because I'm always doing something in Melbourne (uni and such) and I'm too busy to be depressed. Ah well. Can't wait to get back to my computer and play some games, maybe work on Danse Machina a little more (the levels are forming in my mind. It'll be great, don't you worry. Although I'm going to strip back a bit of it to make it work better…) and of course I'll have my brand new x800xl graphics card, which will be sweet. And my birfday is on the 22nd and I'll be getting a stylus graphics tablet thing, and then I can start doing webcomics like I've always wanted… I'll keep you posted.


Joewoof 18 years, 7 months ago

Webcomics huh? I love those. XD I'll be looking forward to it.

Oh and congrats, of course, for your achievements. [^^]

Acid 18 years, 7 months ago

Webcomics are awesome.

GJ on your results too.

Alpha Man 18 years, 7 months ago

I'm not too fond of webcomics, but thats just my opinion.

neonut99 18 years, 7 months ago


Tyranic-Moron 18 years, 7 months ago

Teh awesome! Now release a new demo of Danse Machina :P

I went to look around the Uni I want to go to on saturday. It was great, so I'm going to apply.