Let me show you my pokeman.

Posted by Misconstruct on Dec. 1, 2008, 1:58 a.m.

Here's what's crackin'. I'm currently in the process of making two Pokemon games. I call them Black Version and White Version.

Not really. I'm making a Pokemon TCG game as a spiritual successor to the TCG game for the Gameboy. The other game I'm making is a more traditional Pokemon game. There won't be multiple versions, so not exactly sure what I'm going to call this thing. The graphics will be from R/S/E era, except for the menus and also the Pokemon sprites, which will be D/P sprites.

The TCG is farther along than the traditional game, but is still far from completion. The release I have available is merely a deck editor and card store. I'm working towards a demo release of my other Pokemon game also. Now that I've told you about them, my pokeman, let me show you them.

Pokemon TCG Release 1: http://www.64digits.com/download.php?name=PTCGR1.zip&id=26956

Pokemon Other Game Screenshot:

You liek mah pokemans?

Ahem, moving on to other matters. A while ago I created a blog about The Venus Project. I got a lot of responses, most of which were critical of The Venus Project. No system is perfect, and The Venus Project isn't supposed to be a Utopia. It's just a concept for a system that could potentially be better than the one we have now. Eventually, I shall write another blog addressing the responses I got about The Venus Project. If you missed my blog about The Venus Project, feel free to check it out and contribute your thoughts on the matter. The blog is located at http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=Living%20Spiral&cmd=comments&id=264722

Out of boredom, I shall do a little survey.

1. Do you think I should make a new avatar?

2. Do you think I should make a new banner?

3. What is your favorite pokeman?

4. Do you dislike fangames?

5. Hentai or real porn?

And last, and also least, my Last.fm charts!

Top Artists (Overall)

Top Artists (Last week I scrobbled anything)

Not-so-recent Tracks


frenchcon1 16 years, 3 months ago






SteveKB 16 years, 3 months ago





5.can I has both?

Castypher 16 years, 3 months ago

GHG, gitoff. He's cooler than you. And more mature. By far.

Misconstruct 16 years, 3 months ago

APC is good

I will be trying to fit in as many cards as possible, working my way up from the beginning. I know the physical TCG is still around, but the old Gameboy game is woefully outdated. And at the moment, there are no other ways to play the game with an AI opponent.

Not everybody is making a Pokemon fangame. And very few people are making a Pokemon TCG videogame. In fact, mine is the only one I'm aware of that has made remotely any progress.

Nighthawk, nobody likes a liar.


Misty hentai, good. Pikachu, notsomuch. I like girls cosplaying as Pikachu though.

Indeed, you can and, IMO, should have both, meow44.


SteveKB 16 years, 3 months ago

thanks dude we're cool now

EDIT: lols @ nighthawk and Juju

? didn't notice the new avatar until just now NH probably cause the character was the same :p (I didn't bother to look at the rest of it :<)

Castypher 16 years, 3 months ago


1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. I do not like Pokemans.

4. Depends on how well it was done.

5. Neither. You fools DISGUST me.

Nighthawk 16 years, 3 months ago

@ meow: That would probably be because I changed it just last night. :P

Azure 16 years, 3 months ago

too bad the screenshot didn't include mudkips

Misconstruct 16 years, 3 months ago

@ Azure: Brilliant idea! Why didn't I think of Mudkips?

@ Kilin: Ah, it's foolish to lust images? If it is, lusting a real person would be even more foolish, as there are many risks involved. The only risk involved with images is merely the potential of embarrassment due to getting caught. And you ask what about love? Hah! Don't be ignorant. "Love" starts with infatuation. This infatuation will die down eventually, and you'll either be left with tolerance or you'll end up with intolerance. I think you can guess what happens next with either end result.

…so in conclusion, even though I think you were exaggerating your disgust for the sake of being smart, zip it. It's all fucking disgusting.

Oh, and FYI, I'm just having fun. Don't be offended. ;)

Castypher 16 years, 3 months ago

@LS: I don't get where you took it the wrong way. I was saying it jokingly, so don't act like I'm faking my answer.

No, the disgust isn't a serious feeling. Maybe if you knew me a bit better, you'd realize I joke a lot in this manner.