Let me show you my pokeman.

Posted by Misconstruct on Dec. 1, 2008, 1:58 a.m.

Here's what's crackin'. I'm currently in the process of making two Pokemon games. I call them Black Version and White Version.

Not really. I'm making a Pokemon TCG game as a spiritual successor to the TCG game for the Gameboy. The other game I'm making is a more traditional Pokemon game. There won't be multiple versions, so not exactly sure what I'm going to call this thing. The graphics will be from R/S/E era, except for the menus and also the Pokemon sprites, which will be D/P sprites.

The TCG is farther along than the traditional game, but is still far from completion. The release I have available is merely a deck editor and card store. I'm working towards a demo release of my other Pokemon game also. Now that I've told you about them, my pokeman, let me show you them.

Pokemon TCG Release 1: http://www.64digits.com/download.php?name=PTCGR1.zip&id=26956

Pokemon Other Game Screenshot:

You liek mah pokemans?

Ahem, moving on to other matters. A while ago I created a blog about The Venus Project. I got a lot of responses, most of which were critical of The Venus Project. No system is perfect, and The Venus Project isn't supposed to be a Utopia. It's just a concept for a system that could potentially be better than the one we have now. Eventually, I shall write another blog addressing the responses I got about The Venus Project. If you missed my blog about The Venus Project, feel free to check it out and contribute your thoughts on the matter. The blog is located at http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=Living%20Spiral&cmd=comments&id=264722

Out of boredom, I shall do a little survey.

1. Do you think I should make a new avatar?

2. Do you think I should make a new banner?

3. What is your favorite pokeman?

4. Do you dislike fangames?

5. Hentai or real porn?

And last, and also least, my Last.fm charts!

Top Artists (Overall)

Top Artists (Last week I scrobbled anything)

Not-so-recent Tracks


Misconstruct 16 years, 2 months ago

…even though I think you were exaggerating your disgust for the sake of being smart…

I knew you were joking. I was just returning the favor. :)

I coulda worded it better though. Something along the lines of "exaggerating any disgust you may have" or "exaggerating your disgust (if you even have any)"

Grip 16 years, 2 months ago

Noobuto… well that's a new one.

Misconstruct 16 years, 2 months ago

Indeed. It's also a dumb one. lol

Castypher 16 years, 2 months ago

I knew you were joking. I was just returning the favor. :)

Indeed. It's also a dumb one. lol
It came from GHG. I would expect nothing more.

V 16 years, 2 months ago

Why it gotta be white and black? WHY IT GOTTA BE DAT WAY?

SixWinged 16 years, 2 months ago

<3 Pokemon TGC.

Misconstruct 16 years, 2 months ago

@ V: wut?

@ Sixwinged: Indeed.

Oh, and new avatar. You liek? LOL