
Posted by Misconstruct on Jan. 21, 2011, 6:56 p.m.

Upgraded my internet from Cricket mobile to Clear mobile. I'm quite satisfied with the results! Whereas my Cricket internet would download stuff at a horrible 8 kbps on a bad day, I'm getting up to 100x faster speeds with Clear. I don't have to wait for Youtube videos to load, even when I'm simultaneously downloading stuff. A nice improvement.

I recieved my order of movies from Amazon a couple days ago. And after determining in what order I'd watch them via flipping lots of coins, I began to do just that.


Cache (Hidden) - So the first movie I watched, or attempted to watch, was Cache (Hidden). It got off to a good start but it's a really slow film and I just wasn't in the mood to finish it. So I put it back down at the bottom of the list and will re-watch it when I'm done with the others.

The Virgin Suicides - Another pretty slow movie, but at least it was relatively short. I enjoyed it very much.

The Incredibles - Not my first time watching The Incredibles, but it's so damn good. Probably my favorite Pixar movie.

Vanilla Sky - Back when this came out, I remember thinking the trailer looked interesting. But I only heard negative things about it, so I never saw it. Fast forward to the present where I've bought it on a whim, knowing little about it other than it has Tom Cruise in it. Glad I did though. It's a little long and slow, but I really enjoyed it. I can understand why maybe the sci-fi twist at the end could've annoyed people, but I loved it personally.

To be watched:

The Fall

Dark City

Man on Wire


Boy A

Minority Report

About Schmidt

Cache (Hidden)


Omega_Squid 14 years, 1 month ago

pics, or it didn't happen.

JuurianChi 14 years, 1 month ago


I'm just here for em…

Misconstruct 14 years, 1 month ago

pics of what or what didn't happen? lol

JuurianChi 14 years, 1 month ago

Pics of the Lulz.

Carlos508 14 years, 1 month ago

lol i feel ya, i had to connect my laptop to my cell phone and use it as a modem for about 6 months talk about sloooooooow - oh - and expensive :'(

Eva unit-01 14 years, 1 month ago

Minority Report is a beast of a movie.