64D Com-Unity Game

Posted by Moikle on April 6, 2015, 12:13 p.m.

What do you guys think about doing a community Unity game?

Remember when we did that 64d community RPG? I really enjoyed that, and want to do something similar.

Our community games tend to revolve around game maker, which we are all pretty much fluent in, I was thinking that we could all work together on something we are slightly less familiar with. People who already know unity can point the rest in the right direction and offer support as well as stabilize the probably messy buggy code we produce.

Everyone, no matter your experience can take part, as long as you have some idea of how C# works, and have some idea that you can contribute. Even if you doubt you can even make a hello world program using tutorials, you could submit some art for the game, 3d, 2d, textures, sound, level design, writing, anything that comes to mind. Just get yourself the free version of unity, and do the basic tutorials to familiarise yourself with the navigation and the very basics of the program.

We could take turns to add to the game, like we did with the community rpg, we would share the files with everyone using git, so others can see how it is progressing/offer suggestions/support. That or we could take a less structured "add stuff whenever, as long as you don't delete other people's stuff without asking, and document all your additions." approach.

I am well aware of how interest in these community projects often tapers off and it gets abandoned, but if we don't restrict ourselves to a specific order, and are allowed to come back later and add stuff, then I suspect a few people will be left adding to it for quite a while.

I propose we write up a very basic GDD together at the start to keep ourselves focused on a common goal for the core aspects of the game, and to decide things like genre/setting/important mechanics and things like that.

yes, this blog is very rambly, but it is just a brainstormy type thing, and if anyone is actually interested then I will write up a clearer blog and plan for the project.



Moikle 9 years, 9 months ago

@Cyrus that depends on the game. Both are options.

@Steven yup. And the gdd should put this vision in detail so everyone is on the same page

spike1 9 years, 9 months ago

I definitely think that Unity is more suited for a 3D game, although personally I found it's 2D system not too bad, just unconventional. There's also been a bunch of people around here picking up 3D so I don't think a lack of artists is a problem, we just need to choose a style that everyone can reproduce, maybe similar to this, it's got a pretty low entry barrier.

I'm wondering if maybe we should start compiling game ideas then put them in a survey? The ideas could include a brief description, images of what it would look like, maybe a few similar games, things like that to help people judge what they'd like to work on.

Astryl 9 years, 9 months ago

> 3D will allow people across a wide variety of disciplines to participate. Lots of 2D art is required for things like textures, HUD elements and particle effects.

> A multiplayer arena shooter of some sort, or a shooter like Sapphire Tears, would provide the best motivation for most people; not only do we make it together, we can play it together.

> The project lead should be somebody with the biggest motivation, and the biggest whip.

> Everybody should assume a definitive and fixed role; focus on your strength first. That's not to say that you can't do a bit of music if you're an artist, or a bit of programming if you're a musician. Just play to your strengths first.

> As soon as we have a clear project lead, somebody should make a repo and grant access to it; that first step is the biggest one.

I'll help out with whatever I can, though the Sapphire Tears project that Jeremy and I are working on is probably going to take precedence. I'll focus on my main area of expertise, and that's programming.

What I'd like to see, if everybody is serious about doing this, is a definitive direction that will be cemented. Basically, "This is what we're making, now let's go make it". Nothing complicated, just the core of the game. So "We're making a shooter" or "We're making a fighter".

Any "I want the shooter to have <feature x>" type of discussion can happen after we have a game that we can actually add "feature x" to.


Castypher 9 years, 9 months ago


Moikle 9 years, 9 months ago

actually we are gearing towards either helping Jer and Mega with the Sapphire tears HD project, or doing a stylised multiplayer steampunk biplane type dogfighting game

Kamira 9 years, 9 months ago

What if we did a Project Scarlet kind of platformer with 64D people as characters?

spike1 9 years, 9 months ago

Wait what.. damn haha, I was asleep during it :D. That steam-punk one sounds kind of cool :). Has anything been decided upon yet?

edit: Actually that Santa one sounds fun, ridiculous but could have some interesting mechanics :).

colseed 9 years, 9 months ago

a stylised multiplayer steampunk biplane type dogfighting game
jumping between biplanes to hijack them from other players pls (also bullets) kthx

Moikle 9 years, 9 months ago

not decided on but I have started work on a mockup of the dogfighting one, I figure there will not be much actual interest in it until there is at least something to show. But once the basic player movement is down people might start pitching in. There is also the Sapphire Tears HD option since that already has a fair amount of work done

spike1 9 years, 9 months ago

Do you think the best way to give a possibility is to have a prototype?