Nothing to see here, Obelisk

Posted by Mordi on Aug. 30, 2008, 4:44 p.m.

Ugh, didnt I tell you not to click?

Here is the commodore 64

The C64 makes great music. Doesn't it just make bleeps and bloops, you ask? No, young 64-digits user, it doesnt.

Exhibit A:

Acid Jazz.mp3

That's a sample of a song made with the C64. Sounds cool, doesnt it? Thanks to the SID chip inside the machine (highly advanced sound-chip in the eighties) it can produce more than bleepy bloops.

Some more info about the SID chip:


The majority of games produced for the Commodore 64 made use of the SID chip, with sounds ranging from simply clicks and beeps to complex musical extravaganzas or even entire digital audio tracks.

Well known composers of game music for this chip are Martin Galway, known for many titles, including Wizball, and Rob Hubbard, known for titles such as ACE 2, Delta, International Karate, IK+, and Monty on the Run. Other noteworthies include Jeroen Tel (Cybernoid and Myth) and Chris Hülsbeck, whose composition career started with the SID but has spanned nearly every kind of computer music and other synthesizers since.

My personal favorite would be danish Thomas Mogensen.

So yeah. I make remixes of ancient tunes that people made on the C64, like many others do (R:K:O).

Anyway, here are my latest WIP's. Let me know if you like em':

Original song:

Coffee for 8.mp3

C64 remix (Tristesse by Thomas Mogensen)

Robots have depressions too.mp3


SixWinged 16 years, 5 months ago

Chiptunes. :O