We decided to switch to C++ for our game. This is a better fit since our programmer will be using C++ and OpenGL at his university, and has proper knowledge about it, and I have been wanting to learn C++ myself. I'm not planning on learning it extensively, but I would like to know enough to make some simple stuff with it.
The last few days, I've gotten to the point where I can load and render images in a window. Now I'll be moving on to making an object-oriented system where I can make a simple user-interface. I might even look into making a system for rooms/states. We'll see how it goes.Here's how it looks at the moment. It has some animation, but I'll just paste an image.I'm using OpenGL, with GLEW and freeglut to handle the window and main program. I also use DevIL to load png-textures.The reason we chose these particular libraries is that they are cross-platform compatible. Our programmer already has code that is cross-platform across Windows, Mac and Linux. Pretty cool!Our programmer has extensive knowledge about game programming, so he'll be programming the engine we'll be using for the game. I just want to learn a thing or two, so that's why I'm making this.Stay tuned for more.Fin.
I find it strange that you don't already know that language, due to the level of awesome you always exude.
Good Luck.I think SFML would add uneccesary bloat in our case. I want to learn how to use OpenAL as well. I might look into using SDL, though. http://www.libsdl.org/
Well be sure to stick around after you get into it. I'm not going into game development as of now, but in-case I do, I'd like to know how the C++ and OpenGL compares with C# and XNA!
I'm using SFML for windowing and OpenGL for rendering the sprites (Because of the transforms that can be applied, and the nicer blending functionality).
SFML doesn't add much bloat if you link in the static libraries. :PToday I learned that GLUT/GLEW isn't so great, and should really only be used for quick prototyping or simple apps. I think I'll look into using SDL instead. It seems pretty good, although that too carries with it some "bloat". I would prefer to do everything with zero bloat, but I could settle for something like SDL. I guess it's not too dissimilar to SFML in some ways.
SpectreNectar:There are actually only 12 vertices in that application, across three quads. In all seriousness though, I've been meaning to figure out whether using a pixelbuffer/buffer-object (not sure what it's called) would be faster. I've seen several examples using the method I have in there now, and none of them mentioned anything about speed. But I can't help thinking that rendering a texture to a quad would be slow… I'm not used low-level functionality.Cool, thanks for the tip.
If you want as little bloat as possible, perhaps the framework used for these tutorials might be useful for you - http://www.arcsynthesis.org/gltut/
(Oh, and that's just graphics)EDIT: such little bloat that you would have to implement texture creation from png and jpg images yourself. But it's useful for 'modern' graphics programming.