The wonderful people at yoyogames decided to update the old game maker logo with this new and 'improved' one:
Link.Some feedback:"This is literally like a piece of my childhood is being destroyed.""Smilies carry feelings of banner ads that talk to you if you accidentally move your cursor over them.""Oh Hell No.""It looks like something a noob would come up with. And if that is modern than so is the Queen of England. "
Honestly, what in this "Sandy"'s right god damn mind thinks that this is going to work? I don't want a game program that advertises itself as if it targeted twelve year olds and under. Seriously, even if I were twelve, I wouldn't even try to touch something with a logo like that. If I were twelve and wanted to make a game, I would want something professional and easy to use, not something that seems as if it's made for kiddies that want to spend twenty bucks on a cheap knock-off of game software.
@gordy @brod I didn’t ask you to vote on it for the obvious reason…….just read the first few posts…some love it, some hate it…that was inevitable. After the last Game Maker “logoâ€? a picture of a Model T Ford would look modern !!
Silly punctuation is so cool. Also a logo designed like a Model T could be pretty nice, those things look classy. & personally I think the GM logo was pretty great, especially when it was red like communism. They should of just brought in a sickle. Anyways, I had a hard enough time taking GM seriously simply based on the title (Which most misunderstood me to be saying Gay Maker due to my lisp)
Wait, are you serious? I thought this was a joke at first. Wow–I thought we were aiming at professional here =o

OH NOEZ YOU HAVE AWAIKIN OMGWTF KITTEH!Dear Lord, this is so asking to become a meme. Not that it makes the logo any less idiotic.
Actually, it looks like someone at 4chan managed epic lulz.son I am disappoint.
Honestly, what in this "Sandy"'s right god damn mind thinks that this is going to work? I don't want a game program that advertises itself as if it targeted twelve year olds and under. Seriously, even if I were twelve, I wouldn't even try to touch something with a logo like that. If I were twelve and wanted to make a game, I would want something professional and easy to use, not something that seems as if it's made for kiddies that want to spend twenty bucks on a cheap knock-off of game software.i like how i don't use gamemaker anymore
Why does the gradient get brighter the deeper the mouth gets? It looks like a happy HAL 2000.
Hey 64 digits, long time no see…
Wait..What is that?OH MY GOD. WTF has happened to the GM community.Please kill me.So I thought I'd stop by
…yeah. Glad I jumped ship and got in with this