Good Words.

Posted by Mush on Sept. 29, 2010, 10:37 p.m.

1. Amphibian

2. Exquisite

3. Influential

4. Gubernatorial

5. Dollop

6. Drizzle

7. Chipotle

8. Amalgamation

9. Tomfoolery

10. Cantankerous

11. Gusto

12. Epiphany

13. Travesty

14. Glacial

15. Jigsaw

16. Masquerade

17. Façade

18. Patina

19. Quixotic

20. Squelch

21. Crustacean

22. Defibrillator

23. Contrived

24. Exfoliate

25. Glitz

26. Glockenspiel

27. Mincemeat

28. Anaphylactic

29. Moribund

30. Skep

31. Subterranean

32. Cancerous

33. Pandemonium

34. Decipher

35. Tangerine

36. Ratify

37. Austere

38. Barbaric

39. Gorgonzola

40. Solitude

41. Mitochondria

42. Onomatopoeia

43. Delinquent

44. Dialectic

45. Mahogany

46. Nuance

47. Pontification

48. Quaalude

49. Solidarity

50. Vagabond

51. Alabaster

52. Supple

53. Succulent

54. Palette

55. Pavilion

56. Ghastly

57. Chartreuse

58. Hydrogenous

59. Erudite

60. Flatulence

61. Petroleum

62. Infarction

63. Nimrod

64. Stupor

65. Libation

66. Intergalactic

67. Grandiose

68. Kumquat

69. Decimate

70. Dilapidated

71. Erudite

72. Anesthesia

73. Kinesis

74. Lederhosen

75. Trajectory

76. Contraption

77. Cerebral

78. Jasmine

79. Truffle

80. Icelandic

81. Croquette

82. Anchovy

83. Derringer

84. Euphonious

85. Expulsion

86. Sarsaparilla

87. Salamander

88. Fibrous

89. Vitriolic

90. Monolith

91. Magnanimous

92. Abalone

93. Bayonet

94. Crimson

95. Utopia

96. Electrolyte

97. Transubstantiation

98. Periwinkle

99. Conspicuous

100. Lobotomy

Post your favorites.


Toast 14 years, 5 months ago

I used a loop for this, I didn't write that out by hand. :P
Both solutions to write an ordered list of penis are equally sad.

Castypher 14 years, 5 months ago

I think now I see the Firefox linebreak issue that someone mentioned before.

sirxemic 14 years, 5 months ago

I think now I see the Firefox linebreak issue that someone mentioned before.
Where? Besides, the fault lies only a bit at firefox. The fault mostly lies at the fag who decided to use white-space:pre-line instead of line breaks. Not only is it downright lazy, it also makes stuff more annoying.

KaBob799 14 years, 5 months ago

Yes it was lazy to do extra work to improve the site and it's barely firefox's fault that it's the only browser that can't handle new lines correctly. And it's also lazy that I reported the glitch to firefox so that they can fix it and stop having such a crappy browser.

It turns out the glitch only shows up in quirks mode and almost standards mode which is probably why it went so long without being noticed.

sirxemic 14 years, 5 months ago

improve the site
How is changing new lines to something more annoying an improvement?

barely firefox's fault that it's the only browser that can't handle new lines correctly
I actually was trying to point out that the annoyances are there because someone changed the new lines.

crappy browser
At least it has been ahead of and faster etc than internet explorer for a long long time.

F1ak3r 14 years, 5 months ago


Opera Mini does that missing linebreak on this site thing too. I was just hoping it would go away if I ignored it for long enough.

KaBob799 14 years, 5 months ago

I changed the new lines so that we could switch between the various white-space settings easily. This makes things like the code tag work logically and easily and also slightly reduces server load. At the time there was no reason to suspect that firefox would have so much trouble with a fairly simple concept.

I've got 2 solutions to the problem that don't require downgrading 64d. The first is we wait for them to fix to the glitch. I reported it yesterday and theres already been a bit of feedback, it's probably a simple fix too. This is probably the solution we would choose if it was any browser other than FF. The second would be switching the sites doctype to html5, which should fix the glitch but would introduce other fixable layout issues due to the different rendering mode.

Opera Mini does that missing linebreak on this site thing too. I was just hoping it would go away if I ignored it for long enough.
That's probably Opera Minis SSR feature, but I don't have anything with Opera Mini to check. This particular glitch is unique to firefox so it's not going to appear in any version of opera.

sirxemic 14 years, 5 months ago

Oh but the annoyance I am talking about is that in all browsers selecting text with 'white-space:pre-line' set ignores all whitespace. Each time when I quote several paragraphs it just becomes one big line of text.

Castypher 14 years, 5 months ago

Hooray, I unintentionally started an argument.

sirxemic 14 years, 5 months ago

Might be so, but you still haven't answered my question >:(