I didn't make much progress on my game this week – I did spend a lot of time deciding on an art style.
One possibility was 3D, which I have never tried before in Game Maker. My first attempt:
//I have this in the draw event of block objects

That background is so ugly its pretty.
Looks pretty sweet in action! You should make the idle stance a little more "active", or maybe like a slightly turned towards the camera:
Looks great so far.
Finish it. Now.I'm having some trouble programming transitions for the animations, so for right now I'm just using placeholders. I think using a 3D view would make it easier to create more dynamic poses and movements (but at the same time make it harder to design the animations). Unfortunately, the enemy sprites are also placeholders :)
Next blog, I'll post some concept sketches I've done for the character and enemy design.Screw 3d. Just use a lot of parallaxing, including foreground layers. :)
Preach on!Are you using D3D for the 3D or your own parallax thing?
d3d is used in the picture I posted, but I've decided to stick with 2D + parallax.
Probably for the best, you can do more effects if needed.