HAVOC (3D online multiplayer game)

Posted by ND4SPD on July 24, 2011, 7:18 a.m.

It's been ages since I've been one 64digits. I think I last posted a game I made in an hour. Now I'm back, and I've been busy on my new game, HAVOC. This isn't another dodgy scrolling shooter though - this one is a 3D multiplayer online game, with a big focus on customisation.

You'll be able to select weapons with tonnes of attachments and equipment, too. The arenas you fight in will be built by players in a powerful level editor. Here's the current (tentative) list of weapons to be included:

*Assault Rifle

*Battle Rifle

*Sub Machine Gun

*Heavy Machine Gun

*Pump-Action Shotgun

*Rapid-Fire Shotgun

*Maybe (Sniper Rifle, Crossbow, Grenade Launcher, Flame Thrower

*Akimbo (any combination of 2: Pistol, Revolver, Machine Pistol, Sawn-Off Shotgun, Riot Shield)

And attachments will generally fit into 3 slots, so you can pick one from each:

*Magazine (Extended Magazine, Dual Magazine, FMJ Magazine, JSP Magazine, Magazine w/ Tracers, Buckshots, Slugs)

*Sight (Iron Sight, Reflex Sight, Telescopic Sight, Thermal Sight, Laser Sight)

*Barrel (Suppressor, Muzzle Brake, Extended Barrel, Foregrip, Sling, Grenade Launcher, Breaching Shotgun)

Here's the first screenshot I've put up - I've just got the lighting, drawing, moving, colliding, world data structure, etc up and running, and it's going pretty well thus far! I've got plans for the server and website for the game, too.

If you have ideas for the game, or if you think you can help out (with sound, particularly, or by helping to advertise when the demo is out), feel free to mention so in your comment. Thanks!


JuurianChi 13 years, 7 months ago

HAVOC is going to be included in an Episode of GameTrip for sure.

ND4SPD 13 years, 7 months ago

What's GameTrip? haha

If it's a blogger or reviewer, then sure thing! I'd be very happy if you could include it!

Ferret 13 years, 7 months ago

Welcome back to 64D :D

this one is a 3D multiplayer online game

The arenas you fight in will be built by players in a powerful level editor.
Sorry but I can't help but think of sapphire tears…

Ferret 13 years, 7 months ago

Depends on what you consider powerful I suppose, I thought it was pretty versatile myself.

Edit: v that (I remember ST needed a better control scheme :P)

DesertFox 13 years, 7 months ago

Hey, he said powerful. Powerful isn't necessarily user-friendly :O

ND4SPD 13 years, 7 months ago

OK, what features would make it either powerful or user friendly? I'll work to incorporate those features, then :)

ND4SPD 13 years, 7 months ago

Oh, I just googled and found Sapphire Tears. Used to be Crimson something, wasn't it? I played it ages ago. The editor was not a strong point of the game, to be honest.

This editor will, I suppose, be comparable to Minecraft with a flying hack in Halo. So, it's like Forge mode (from Halo) in that you make the map in one 'game mode', save it, etc and then play it in another 'game mode'. And it's like Minecraft in that you can place a block ANYWHERE within the world that has similiar terrain.

ND4SPD 13 years, 7 months ago

That's the one!! haha

Please don't judge me, it was ages ago.

JID 13 years, 7 months ago

Too late. We have already judged you. >:p

ND4SPD 13 years, 7 months ago

Oh :(

Seriously, though, thanks for reading, JID. You got any ideas?

I wrote up some notes in my GDD about features I was reading about yesterday (in forum posts about what features mess up/make good FPSs) and outlined a grading/levelling/XP/unlock system, so there is progression.

And I had the idea of equipment with multiple uses? For example, the HE granade that can be thrown/cooked and then thrown (with LMB) OR it can just be dropped with the RMB. Then you can shoot it whenever, allowing the grenade to become a deadly trap of sorts!