Posted by Nathan on May 18, 2008, 6:17 p.m.

I know when I start this I won't be able to put into words how great what I just experienced was. I wish now I dedicated more time to understanding English, and expanding my vocabulary so I could describe this event better, unfortunately I have a very limited vocabulary, so this report will lose a lot of the…Already I am failing to find a word to use, I do not know how to describe it!

Normally when I try explaining events that have happen to me I try to hide the true nature of the event, so I'll just say it this time. What I am about to describe is an experience I had with the mind altering drug LSA. No, that isn't a typo, the drug I took was not LSD, as many of you might think I meant. I am probably still under the influence of it right now, my pupils are still way above normal size.

LSA is legal, here in the United Kingdom, where I currently live. I took 4 happy cap trip-e pills, which contain ground up Baby Hawaiian Wood Rose seeds. These seed naturally contain LSA with in them. Now I know many people have many different opinions on mind altering substances. Whatever you want to think about them, or whatever reason you want to think as to why I'm taking them, is for you to think, and I really couldn't care less. I have my own opinions on them and there mine, whatever yours are, are yours.

I took the pills at about 3pm. Today was a rather nice day. Although not too hot, or very sunny, there was a blue sky, as well as quite a few large white clouds in the sky. About one and a half hours after taking the pill, I started to feel quite sick, and thought that I may actually throw up. I decided to go to the bathroom in preparation to me throwing up. After a few moments of sitting by the toilet, I decided to get in the shower and turn the water on. As well as feeling very nauseous, I was starting to feel the effects of the pills. I got in the shower, and turned the water temperature to the normal temperature I have when taking a shower. Already my sense of time was starting to get distorted. Because of this I do not know how long I sat on the floor in the shower, under the relaxing warm water, but I do know that after awhile I realized I was practically asleep. Realizing that falling asleep in the shower was most likely not a good idea, I stood up and stood in the shower for what felt like not a very long time.

While I was on the floor of the shower, my nausea started going away, but when I stood up again, it came back. I decided to get out of the shower and try being sick again. I got out of the shower, but did not turn the water off. I dried myself off and lent over the toilet trying harder to be sick, but after several tries, I was not sick. I stood up and got dressed. Turned the water off in the shower and went back to my room.

I had ginger biscuits, as I was expecting this sickly feeling, and had read ginger biscuits or ginger ale helps stop the nausea. However in this hour and a half, I had only managed to eat half of one biscuit. I laid on my bed, waiting for the nausea to pass. I'm not sure when it happen, but before I knew it, I was on my computer, feeling great. No feeling of nausea, I was full of euphoria. I was talking to several people on MSN, and all I really wanted to do was talk to lots of people. I started a conversation with everyone on my contact list. I do not really known how long I spent having various conversations with various people about various thing, nor do I really know what these conversations were about. All I know was at the time, I was really happy and full of excitement. After what felt like some time, I got the urge to go for a walk.

I got my mp3 player, and went outside. They day was great. There were families walking around with young children, in the small playground by my house. I remember I stopped for several minutes trying to find the perfect song to listen to. I was unable to find a song that fit the occasion perfectly, but every song worked very well and sounded great. I walked past this playground, I didn't really know where I was going, but I really didn't care, everything was great, I just wanted to be part of this. I walked to another near by playground. I remember as I was walking to it I was really hoping there would be no one at it, so I could use the equipment there without strange looks. The relief I had when I walked around the wall and first saw the playground empty, and no one else around, was great!

I walked over to the playground and first went on the zip cord. I believe they are sometimes referred to as death swings. It was just a button seat attached to a wire where you can be pushed back and forth along the wire. While I tried going as fast as I could down this wire for awhile, I remembered my trip to Salisbury, where my friend lewis had pushed me so fast I swung an entire circle upside down on a swing similar to this. Although kinda disappointed I was unable to get myself going very fast on my own, I was still having a great time on this swing.

After awhile I decided to go onto the normal swings, and I spent some time just swinging on them, listening to music which at the time, was all very good. After a period of time, I walked off into the football field next to this playground and headed towards where one can cross the train line to get to another much larger field. However I realized that by the fence to the train track, and the field, was a small area, full of trees and uncut grass. I have walked threw this area 100's of times before, and never really paid much attention to this area. I decided to walk into it and explore it some. It was all very, I guess the best word would be beautiful. I really enjoyed being here, which felt very much like nature, despite the man made rail way tracks right next to it, on the other side of the fence, which even though man made and normally I would consider rather ugly, seemed very natural and pleasant. I walked around this area, and eventually decided to climb trees. Now climbing a tree under the influence of anything is probably never a good idea, but I found I could climb these trees with ease. Not really caring much about what would normally be an obstacle for me, for example large over grown bushes. I just pushed my way threw them, and climb the tree's, almost not caring if I fell.

Quickly however I found these trees didn't satisfies my desire to climb, as I couldn't get very high, as they were all rather small, and weak. I wanted to find a better tree to climb. So I got down, and headed towards the train track, to search for a better tree. However instead of crossing the train track and enter the field on the other side. Something occurred to me, that seemed so obvious I don't know why I never thought it before. I didn't have to cross the tracks, I could walk down them. I have no idea why I never realized this before. I actually wondered if there was a law against walking down rail way lines. Even if there was I didn't care. I started walking down it.

On the field there was a couple sitting on the hill taking advantage of the nice day. I'm not sure if they actually were looking at me, but it sure did feel like it.

I walked down the rail way line around a bend. I looked down and didn't see any large trees down the line, so I headed back to the crossing. I can only imagine what the couple sitting on the hill were thinking. Seeing a random guy stumble around, looking clue less, wondering down the rail way lines, then a few minutes later coming back in the direction he had just walked. When I entered the field, I could almost feel what felt like there feelings. They were almost terrified, or so it felt, that this crazy man, me, would walk in there direction. I laughed at this thought, but had no intention of going near them, my only interest was the large over grown grass in the corner of this field I had never noticed before. “why had I never walked over there before and seen what was in this grassâ€? I decided now I should. When I got there the grass was not that interesting, just large over grown grass. Its strange now, when I think about it, that I didn't notice the extremely beautiful looking trees, on the other side of a hedge right by me. And the presence of these trees, were not the reason I wanted to explore the other side of this hedge I now found myself by. This hedge was like a solid wall, but I knew there would be a forest like area on the inside of it, I tried to enter the hedge is several locations, before finding one thin enough to enter threw. Although it was thinner than the other locations, I had to almost run threw it sort of, to get threw. I got greatly reminded of walking threw a mirror in a lucid dream I once had. And entering the hedge was very similar to the walking threw mirror experience as well. I found myself in what looked like a completely new location. It was far more pleasing to the eye than the field I had just been in. Sun rays were empathized, as they shun threw openings in the hedge, in the much darker location I was now it.

Thats when I finally became aware of the presence of the large trees here. It seemed like faith that had made me find these trees at the time, I had no idea they were there. The tops of them glowed in the sun light that reached there high branches, sun light that was not present down here on ground level.

Although there were many thorn bushes between me and this tree, as well as other over grown plants, I decided I would get into that tree no matter what. I noticed their was no low branches on the tree either, but I decided I would get into it, no matter what. I broke off a branch of a near by tree, and started hacking my way towards this tree, recklessly killing any plant that stood between me and this tree. Eventually I got to the tree. It looked even more amazing the closer I got to it. I stood under it and looked up and could hardly see the top. I jumped up and grabbed a branch and pulled my way into the tree. I thought about how it was fortunate I had the strength I had, had I never been interested in gymnastics at a younger age, I may never of been able to get into this tree.

Climbing this tree was as care free as climbing the other trees I had done earlier. Nothing was a barrier for me, if anything was in my way between me and the top of the tree, I could quickly find a way around it. It was almost like I was in a trance, I didn't have to think about what I was doing at all, I just did it. I kept looking up, looking for a higher place to climb. I thought about the return journey down, and thought I might not be able to get down, but I didn't think about it for long, I didn't care if I got stuck in the tree, I just wanted to get to the top, thats all that mattered to me at the time. After what seemed like a lengthy period of time, I was at the top. Although there was a road next to the tree, that had been raised by humans to make it higher than the natural ground level, and in comparison to this road, I was only 10 or 20 meters above it (my judgment of height and time were distorted at this point, and my natural estimate for height has never been that good either, so these numbers may not accurately portray that actual height at all) I was much higher above the actual ground level, what seemed like at least 50 meters, but this is probably a very bad estimate. I don't know how long I sat in this tree. But eventually I decided I should head down, as it was 8pm, and I didn't know how soon till it would get dark, and if it got dark, that would make climbing down near impossible. I laughed at the idea of me having to call the police, as I had no credit on my phone, the only number I could call would be 999, and having to explain to them I was stuck in a tree. How stupid I must look, and they would no doubt be suspicious as to my current state of mind.

Although initially I thought climbing down could be difficult, I did it with more ease and a lot faster than I had expected. I couldn't find where I entered the hedge into this area, so I recklessly forced my way threw it. It would have been a strange sight I'm sure for anyone in the field, to see a random guy appear out of a solid looking hedge. As I walked home, threw the large field and back over the railway lines towards my house, I was still feeling extremely great.


marbs 16 years, 9 months ago

I read it all but can't think of anything to say other than to let you know I read it =)

Nathan 16 years, 9 months ago

Thanks, greatly appreciated actually =D

SquareWheel 16 years, 9 months ago

I read it. Tell me of this lucid dream you had? It sounds quite interesting.

s 16 years, 9 months ago

50 meters is 5% of 1km

Mount Everest is less than 9km

You should get high and go hiking one day, would just have to climb 200x high

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 9 months ago

Nice blog. You should put this on Erowid.

Scott_AW 16 years, 9 months ago


ESA 16 years, 9 months ago

I read this as well. Very, very interesting. Adding the pictures was a nice touch. You're a good writer.

Unaligned 16 years, 9 months ago


frenchcon1 16 years, 9 months ago

You can also find LSA in Morning Glory seeds: Ground 100 of them up and you'll get 1g of the stuff (along with all the rest of the chemicals inside it). It's that simple.

Juju 16 years, 9 months ago

I think we have a new contender for best blog on 64D.