Hacked ROMs = Timewasters

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on March 1, 2008, 10:27 p.m.

ohai thar. Here's me, typing more useless.

I've recently been downloading ROM hacks(since it suddenly came to me that beating Super Mario Bros. over and over isn't fun) in the name of lulz. I've only tried two of them, and I couldn't stop playing them. That is, until the batteries on my GP2X ran out. D=

Sonic 1 Megamix is probably the best I've played so far. It not only has the features of SonicCD(which is awesome), but also of later Sonic games, like following through a path of rings. You can select through 3 characters, with each of them having their own second jump ability, and go through either the newly added levels or the original ones in the game. It is so awesome to have the homing attack from Sonic Advance games in Sonic one. Fucking. Awesome.

Another one is Super Demo World: The Adventure Continues. This game is probably the bitchy-est Mario game I've played yet. But then again, I don't play many Mario games appart from the originals. All I've seen is hard-as-fuck levels atm, but that's because I suck at Mario and I haven't really left the first island. ;_;

Now, for my own game(which, unlike the other two, sucks).

Oh look! It's Purianite(left) and Blueboy(right).

The game's going to be an RPG + platformer-ish and will involve 64D members. I do know that Purianite has black hair, but I'm too lazy to recolor the whole animations thing.

As for my life, nothing noteworthy is happening. Actually, there is, but since 64D's maturity level is low as fuck, I'd rather not say it.

Go away. I need to play more Sonic 1 Megamix. :D


frenchcon1 17 years ago

That looks like a yay game :D

frenchcon1 17 years ago

Also, I get dibs on being into teh gaem +]

Cpsgames 17 years ago

Looks pretty goods

Amarin 16 years, 11 months ago

I can't brainer today… I have the dumber. =O