The GMC.

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Aug. 23, 2008, 6:19 p.m.

So far, my topic has had 67 replies, 1670 views, the game has been downloaded a little more >100 times, and was posted on August 4th. Guess what it is? Yup, a fangame.

Anyways, as soon as I heard about the "make your avatar a game" fad, it got me thinking, maybe now that I can code properly, I should try to finish it? (my avatar IS a game)

The thing was supposed to have a Paper Mario fangame, but my lazyness prevented me to even get to the RPG part. It's not like it matters though, now all I have left is an old editable with most resources, mainly sprites/backgrounds, gone(no clue what I was thinking).

Monday, I start school, which means my game dev time will be shorter due to homework, ect. My major problem with school was the fact that I sucked at sleeping, going to sleep at 12-1AM, and waking up at 6AM(I had to get up early so my mom can give me a ride and go to work right away). I tried going to sleep at 9PM and waking up at 4AM, and it works for me, so, woot for that. ^_^

Here's a question for ya: Why did you get to game development? Mine was to make fangames. It always has, I just never liked admiting it. At one time, I hated them due to the large ammount of badly done games on the GMC, but I'm back to liking the few, very few, good ones.


Ross 16 years, 6 months ago

I started that fad!

Anyway, on a serious note, game looks pretty good.

Arcalyth 16 years, 6 months ago

I got into game development because I've wanted to make my own games since I was like 5 years old (Irony: I still haven't finished a game).

The idea of creating something from nothing is incredibly appealing to me.

Nighthawk 16 years, 6 months ago

I got into it long before I used GML, HTML was my first programming language, and I made my earliest games in, that's right, HTML. Kinda sad… Then I learned VB, which I also made some games with, and finally GML. I originally wanted to make games, because I had a ton of ideas for them, and, like Arc, wanted to make some since I was a little kid. ^_^

basilamer 16 years, 6 months ago

I started making games because I always wanted to be able to play the "game of my dreams". If only I could actually make that!

LunchTime 16 years, 6 months ago

LunchTime is not impressed.

F1ak3r 16 years, 6 months ago

It's LunchTime!

I started because playing games wasn't enough for me. I was a pretty late gamer; played a game for the first time at 11, and then started trying to make my own at 12 (had many failed attempts with some ancient thing called Game Builder, tried to learn C++, and then got GM at 13).

PY 16 years, 6 months ago

omnomnom time for lunch.

I started making games because I saw MP2D and thought, hey, awesome, I wish I could do that. Then saw thay linked to GM, and from there… onwards!

Acid 16 years, 6 months ago

I started making games because I wanted to use video games to make new and interesting experiences. I've wanted to create games since I was 8, when I first played FFVII and MGS on the same day. Ever since then, Hideo Kojima has been one of my heros.

Bryan 16 years, 6 months ago

Paper mario!

liquid 16 years, 6 months ago

I decided to make games after I realized software engineering was boring. Now I monitor stuff at a power plant.
