The GMC.

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Aug. 23, 2008, 6:19 p.m.

So far, my topic has had 67 replies, 1670 views, the game has been downloaded a little more >100 times, and was posted on August 4th. Guess what it is? Yup, a fangame.

Anyways, as soon as I heard about the "make your avatar a game" fad, it got me thinking, maybe now that I can code properly, I should try to finish it? (my avatar IS a game)

The thing was supposed to have a Paper Mario fangame, but my lazyness prevented me to even get to the RPG part. It's not like it matters though, now all I have left is an old editable with most resources, mainly sprites/backgrounds, gone(no clue what I was thinking).

Monday, I start school, which means my game dev time will be shorter due to homework, ect. My major problem with school was the fact that I sucked at sleeping, going to sleep at 12-1AM, and waking up at 6AM(I had to get up early so my mom can give me a ride and go to work right away). I tried going to sleep at 9PM and waking up at 4AM, and it works for me, so, woot for that. ^_^

Here's a question for ya: Why did you get to game development? Mine was to make fangames. It always has, I just never liked admiting it. At one time, I hated them due to the large ammount of badly done games on the GMC, but I'm back to liking the few, very few, good ones.


Xxypher 16 years, 6 months ago


I agree?

Quietus 16 years, 6 months ago

Your avatar game looks pretty slick.

I forgot to mention in my PM, this is Quietus/Hyperion. :P