Before I get to the Falco part, here's a comment page from a game I put up in Yoyogames:
(remember, Yoyo's comment order is from bottom to top)
Yup, I didn't want to believe it, but it had to hit me in the face eventually: Yoyousers are dumber than dirt. They're cheap downloads and ratings for fangames though. That's all the good they do.Anyway, like my last day of 10th Grade, I took my Wii to school today. Now, everytime I tell someone I have a Wii + Brawl (really rare in these parts), that same person challenges me and keeps yapping on about they'll kick my ass easily. Well, they eat their words when I beat them fair, or come up with an excuse. Since I mostly play with newbie people, I didn't bother to start playing in a Tourament level. Well, I got my ass kicked today by someone that actually won his copy of Brawl in a Tourament. I didn't think there would be anyone around here in a tourament level, so I lost pretty badly. (and hey, guess which character we both used?)So yeah, I got a good thing from today: I get to start enjoying Smash Bros again. I no longer have to keep my Wii away since I don't have Wi-Fi. :DOh yeah, and for the usual shameless plug:
Hope you finish the game, looks sweet.
Also, Wii+Hack is really rare around these parts.So everybody wants to use my Homebrew Channel :DHm, I have Homebrew.
You want homebrew on your Wii?
Holy fuck that sounds dirtyYay pokemon.
I always thought I was the only one who mains Falco.
Wow, some people are dumb.