It's been a while...

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Sept. 13, 2008, 7:35 p.m.

Let's see, the last time I blogged here, I was in my desk. Since then, my desk has been a mess. I just cleaned it up, and judging by the fact that even my USB mouse is dusty, it's been a while since I've blogged here. This means, another blog! Also, another blog = more shameless advertising:

Physics: I'm failing it, because I failed to turn in a 'connect the dots' puzzle or something. Lol. But enough of that…

How much motivation does it take you to really work on a game? For me, not much, I just need for the motivation to not go away. Even something as little as a song motivates me. You see, there was a disscusion at the GMC (orly?) with me and some guy telling me that my game will fail only because it's a Pokemon fangame. I get it, Pokemon fangames have a reputation of never getting finished, but why am I automatically added to that list? I've been working on the game since November of last year, damnit! (although seriously started working on in/recoding it in June)

The point is, I'm still motivated, and I'm planning on finishing my game no matter what. I've never had so much motivation before though. Probably the only reason I'm still motivated is because I'm recreating a game I played for endless hours when I was a kid(during my social outcast-ness time).

How much motivation does it take for you to finish something? Or well, since I'm asking 64D, to start something? Replies plz, I'm an attention whore. ^_^


marbs 16 years, 5 months ago

Not meaning to be the pessimistic one, you may have loads of motivation now, but it can disappear in an instant, which is very annoying. I lost my motivation to use GM about 5 months ago, since then I've tried using it occasionally but the attempt never seems to last more than a minute or so. I used to always be certain I'd complete making Dominos, but considering my progress on it in the past few months has been zilch, I can't see me finishing it any time this century =/

NeutralReiddHotel 16 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, I've been noticing I don't have as much motivation now as I did when I started the project. It's slowly fading away, but somehow I always find another source of motivation(the most recent being Fangames made by other people). I do realize my motivation might fade away eventually, so that's why I work on the game as much as I can while I still have it.

Too bad you're probably not finishing Dominos, I remember the first time my friends saw it: it was their first time asking me to give them a game made in GM, since they usually ask me for emulators and the like.

Siert 16 years, 5 months ago

[continuing from marbs post]

I've haven't touch GM for a while either. I'm starting to wonder when I will work on Coloraze: Spectrum again… One of the main reasons I haven't used GM is because of its limits. I'm finally reaching the point where surfaces and primitives are being discovered and sadly this is where GM fails. Hopefully I can finish Coloraze, then I plan to learn java or something.

frenchcon1 16 years, 5 months ago

Stupid lack of Motivation rechargers.

bendodge 16 years, 5 months ago

I don't hardly use it anymore because I'm in Linux almost 100% of the time. If GM (and its games) had Linux support or worked near-perfectly in WINE (the IDE currently has dialog issues and games have nasty performance and windowing/dialog glitches) I'd use it all the time. There is a large game vacuum in the Linux world that GM stuff could be very popular in if it worked well.

Misconstruct 16 years, 5 months ago

For me, motivation seems to be largely based on skill. If a project feels overwhelming and impossible, your motivation will fall out once you become overly frustrated. But if you have many successes with a project, it'll keep your motivation strong…

At least until you finish the engine. ;)

Glen 16 years, 5 months ago

I make lists each week of what needs to be done. Small lists, like one feature each day that needs to be added to my current project. When I complete/add a new feature or solve a problem it makes me feel good and continue on. I usually lose motivation because I'm the only person testing my game and debug so many times to the point where I'm sick of the game. But adding new things could help with the boring part and keep you on track. idk… <~ Funny… This is coming from a Game Maker user with 4 years of experience whose never completed a WIP Game, LOL.(apps not included). Big projects take alot of motivation. I'd suggest breaking it down to smaller parts and make things less overwhelming.