Year 16. (ATTN: Birthday. Mine.)

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Nov. 30, 2008, 11:11 p.m.

It's my birthday. You guys owe me e-birthday gifts. =P Nah, just kidding. Today was fun, my girlfriend gave me a surprise birthday party. I love that girl… ^-^

Anyways, lately I've been a lazy bastard. I haven't really finished this website I'm supposed to be working on. I'm going to get killed tomorrow - I should have been done with it in weeks… also, I was supposed to be finishing this game I've been programming for months… not only that, but I've been also supposed to be running for gymnastics to build up my stamina. Oh well. >.<

I gots a new cellphone. The only reason I like it is because it has a keyboard. ^-^ I thought that when I started to use a cellphone, I would be forced to use txt-talk to be faster… but no. Even when I was using a regular cellphone I wasn't using it. =P

My last few birthdays have been the most horrible ever. In fact, most of my birthdays have been crappy. This one has been my best. ^-^ Oh well, thanks for reading through my random crap called a blog.

Go have fun with whatever it is you're doing.

Edit: Oh yeah, look at this charmader I made in GraphicsGale. =D

(I drew everything but the tail. =P it's from DP)

Edit 2 (this might be important): It seems that the 64Digits server is a few hours ahead from where I live. My birthday is on November 30, not December 1. Sorry guys. >.< Oh yeah, and it might also be nice to know I turned 16. Just, if you know, were wondering.

Edit 3: Congratulate me. This is the first time ever I pull an all-nighter on a schoolnight. It means that I've been running on no sleep for 24 hours and I plan to keep going for another day, for you slow ones. My plan is - carry a bottle full of coffee to keep me awake when I start getting sleepy. It's stupid, I know, but I kinda don't have a choice(it's not like I wanted to run on no sleep at school, it's just that I couldn't sleep). My brain will probably be asleep too, but tomorrow(gah, I mean today) I have a bunch of classes that require almost no thought - 'cept Japanese, though were getting a new Japanese teacher that will probably teach us nothing.


Theonlywonderboy 16 years, 3 months ago


Go have fun with whatever it is you're doing.
Well I was fapping…lol jk.

Glad to hear you had a good birthday. Good luck with finishing all that other stuff.

NeutralReiddHotel 16 years, 3 months ago

Thanks. ^_^

SixWinged 16 years, 3 months ago

Happy Birthday.

KaBob799 16 years, 3 months ago

That is an awesome charmander.

Snakeman 16 years, 3 months ago

I thought that when I started to use a cellphone, I would be forced to use txt-talk to be faster… but no. Even when I was using a regular cellphone I wasn't using it. =P

You, sir, have my utmost respect.

OBELISK 16 years, 3 months ago


Death and gloom and black despair

People dying everywhere.


Happy Birthday! *THUD*

Happy Birthday! *THUD*

Your servants steal, your wife's untrue,

Your children plot to murder you.


Happy Birthday! *THUD*

Happy Birthday! *THUD*

Now that you're the age you are

Your demise cannot be far.


Happy Birthday! *THUD*

Happy Birthday! *THUD*

It's your birthday never fear

You'll be dead this time next year.


Happy Birthday! *THUD*

Happy Birthday! *THUD*

Fear and gloom and darkness but

No one found out YOU KNOW WHAT.


Happy Birthday! *THUD*

Happy Birthday! *THUD*

We love children, yes we do

Boiled or baked or in a stew.


Happy Birthday! *THUD*

Happy Birthday! *THUD*

So another year has passed

Don't look now they're gaining fast.


Happy Birthday! *THUD*

Happy Birthday! *THUD*

I pray you pass your verse along

And thus improve our merry song.


Happy Birthday! *THUD*

Happy Birthday! *THUD*

F1ak3r 16 years, 3 months ago

Happy birthday!

I do the same with cellphones. I too have a keyboard on mine, and always used to type things in full when I had a regular keypad. I'm sure you'll agree that it really isn't as hard as people make it out to be.

frenchcon1 16 years, 3 months ago


Misconstruct 16 years, 3 months ago

Happy b-day. Cool Charmander.

[deleted user] 16 years, 3 months ago

Glad to see things are better for you, have fun.