
Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Dec. 24, 2008, 4:50 p.m.

Well, I got my braces off a few weeks ago… it felt awesome. My teeth didn't look perfectly straight and stuff but I was just glad those things came off… so everything's happy and stuff. Then, retainers. D= I hate these things… they make me sound more stupid than usual(and that's bad cause I already had an accent before this since my first language isn't English).

I'm happy anyway. I found out that it's possible to hack your Wii with just an SD card and a copy of Twilight Princess. I don't have Twilight, but my girlfriend does. ^-^ Horrah! *gets emulators ready* I would have bought them legally by Virtual Console and all, but then again I don't have money, or a way for my Wii to use the internet. Oh yeah, and I'm not really sure how foolproof the Twilight Hack method is, so if anyone's tried it, tell me. plz <3

Chrome is weird, I downloaded it to see how it was and I don't see what the big deal is. I was using Opera before it, so it sucks to see some features from it not here, like being able to edit an HTML file straight from the browser and see the changes(useful to change the gender in 64Digits *hint hint*). Oh well, I'm still using it because it doesn't use up as much power as Opera.

Be happy, I'm done writing stuffs down. Go have fun with whatever it is you're doing.


frenchcon1 16 years, 2 months ago

yay ^-^

KaBob799 16 years, 2 months ago

I did the twilight hack and didn't have any problems, but I know nintendo has done some anti-hack updates since then so I don't know if its still that simple.

Bryan 16 years, 2 months ago

Opera doesn't use much power at all..

SixWinged 16 years, 2 months ago

I've done the Twilight hack, worked perfectly. Just follow the instructions carefully.

Acid 16 years, 2 months ago