I cannot walk: now mobile!

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Jan. 23, 2010, 3:40 p.m.

Yesterday I was at a gymnastics meet competing on floor. Long story short, I did horribly, and now my legs are really sore I can barely walk. I literally struggle just to stay up, which is, as you can imagine, a bitch to deal with. I also recently got my new cellphone, which is a good thing since depending on myspace for communication with friends is annoying, and I really don't like calling over the phone. Even better is that I got internet on it finally, so I can bother you guys on the go, if I ever go anywhere with these now useless legs.

Today I took the SAT, the mother of all tests as I always saw it. Well, what a disappointment… I expected a hard, unforgiving test in which I would only know like 3 questions to answer. But it turns out all of that whining came from people who were not with us from kinder to 12th grade. Which is kind of sad. I'll probably end up eating my words if I get a bad score though… haha

I didn't want to come back to 64D without something cool to show, like a new game or website, but then I remembered I'm lazy and I'll probably end up making one of those in a few years minimum. I also remembered anyone here hardly works on anything programming related anyway. I also just hated to blog just to say what I've been doing recently, like a bad Twitter account.

So what's new? What did I miss?

Happy 23rd btw


Cesque 15 years, 1 month ago

Was that the SAT? Glad you're so light-hearted about it. Legs are overrated.

Crane-ium 15 years, 1 month ago

The only thing I did during the SAT was SiT and Answer.

SteveKB 15 years, 1 month ago

yeah I took the SAT as well, I raped the math section to death >:D. but as for the language section (which the SAT is mainly focused on which is why i hate how the math section is completable without too much knowledge of math >_>) I need to learn more words which I will get prepared for by next time in may or march… sometime during then there'll be another SAT test which i will take :D. I was so pumped up the entire time eating mah grapes XD

Glen 15 years, 1 month ago

Happy 23rd

Arcalyth 15 years, 1 month ago

I took the SAT over the weekend as well, and my reaction was basically the same. lol

Polystyrene Man 15 years ago

The SATs aren't anything to stress about. A lot of today's schools don't even care much about them.

I mean… SAT scores are only an indication of how well you can take a standardized test- something you will never have to do after high school.

Happy 23rd.