My contribution

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Aug. 13, 2010, 12:12 a.m.

I am one of the people that was allowed to look around v2 to change things / fix / get things ready for v3. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten to it. Not like I never will, I'm just really busy with this other thing. I'll probably start changing things by Saturday, cause school is a biatch.

The first thing I was planning on doing is bringing HTML privs back to some users, but it looks like KaBob already did that, so we'll see if I can do anything else. My goal is, try to make user pages as customizable as possible. Even if that's a big thing to do (and probably bigger if v2's code is as messy as everyone says), it's a nice goal to have in mind.

If anyone's wondering what I'm so busy with, it's this, if anyone remembers. I've apparently gotten so popular that people are making fanart out of the game.

Anyways, yeah, I apologize I haven't done anything to the site yet. I WILL get to it, just not right away like everyone else.


NeutralReiddHotel 14 years, 6 months ago

I'll probably start out like that, just to not mess up anything else on the site.

My eyes though, are on updating the FAQ. Ludablogs, srsly?

Arcalyth 14 years, 6 months ago

"Q: Why am I warned/banned?

A: Warning and banning usually has to do with a recent comment you made, and usually the mod who warned or banned you will leave a comment explaining the warn/ban."


faq = so outdated

NeutralReiddHotel 14 years, 6 months ago

usually the mod who warned or banned you will leave a comment explaining the warn/ban
Funniest part

I lol'd at the last question, referring to the 1 guest. Gosh, takes me back.

Castypher 14 years, 6 months ago

Cyrus, even if you gave yourself HTML privs, it won't do anything. HTML is no longer being parsed in comments. Hasn't been for a long time, unless someone decides to put it back in.

Juju 14 years, 6 months ago

I'll probably give myself HTML privs soon.
Totally not abusing his new-found powers. I told you so. Does anybody listen? No…

KaBob799 14 years, 6 months ago

I think it would be best if we avoided HTML privs for the time being, CSS privs are a lot less of a security risk.

Castypher 14 years, 6 months ago

Anyways, yeah, I apologize I haven't done anything to the site yet
In my actual response to the blog, I haven't done anything useful yet either, so don't worry too much. All I've done is tried to get a feel for the code. I think the only ones who have actually done something to the site are Aeron and Kaz.

mazimadu 14 years, 6 months ago

I have been wondering when someone would bring back HTML privs. I asked for it last year but didn't get any. If I get privs then there may be an epic flash battle with me and Cyrus(which I may probably loose, but will enjoy).

Ferret 14 years, 6 months ago

I'm with KaBob, stop giving privileges ;_; I'm scared.

KaBob799 14 years, 6 months ago

If enough 64d staff agree with me, I'm going to say we probably shouldn't have html privs. I can add some things that you would use HTML for without security risks, such as CSS. As far as I know, the CSS feature is about as dangerous as