My contribution

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Aug. 13, 2010, 12:12 a.m.

I am one of the people that was allowed to look around v2 to change things / fix / get things ready for v3. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten to it. Not like I never will, I'm just really busy with this other thing. I'll probably start changing things by Saturday, cause school is a biatch.

The first thing I was planning on doing is bringing HTML privs back to some users, but it looks like KaBob already did that, so we'll see if I can do anything else. My goal is, try to make user pages as customizable as possible. Even if that's a big thing to do (and probably bigger if v2's code is as messy as everyone says), it's a nice goal to have in mind.

If anyone's wondering what I'm so busy with, it's this, if anyone remembers. I've apparently gotten so popular that people are making fanart out of the game.

Anyways, yeah, I apologize I haven't done anything to the site yet. I WILL get to it, just not right away like everyone else.


Castypher 14 years, 6 months ago

I'm not staff, and I'd agree with you there. We had a lot of exploits back then.

If I could find out where the comment system bits were in the code, I'd love to have a CSS-customizable comment box (possibly with a toggle feature for those with epilepsy or who like grey better).

Backgrounds would be a pain though.

firestormx 14 years, 6 months ago

I'm scared too!

I gave EVERYONE html privs a long time ago. Now look what happened!