i suck at smash 4

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Oct. 9, 2014, 1:18 p.m.

i am horrible at smash 4.

i got this game for free… me and my buddy Ben went to my old hometown El Paso for a big Project M tourney. this is a modded version of Super Smash Brothers Brawl, because I personally got bored with brawl after I tried to play it competitively

tripping is stupid

top-level matches take years and have no interesting combos, only campfests

even the commentators sound bored.

this is too easy to do

so what a group of people did, was mod it to be more like this game:

revival of melee: m2k vs shiz. one of the best comebacks in history

big house 4, lucky vs mango. two childhood friends still having fun with melee 13 years later

tiers are bullshit: no character in brawl can 4 stock metaknight because he's so overpowered. here you have a low tier (pikachu) 4 stocking a top tier (fox) just out of player skill

so when you get a game that has as much hype as melee, there's no wonder that there was a group of people that got brawl hacked to be more like melee. and they've done it pretty well, so I started playing project m, and i've gotten pretty good with mewtwo. i tried looking for a clip of me playing in a crew battle a few months ago but it's not gonna happen… idk where it's at. you'll have to take my word for it that i've gotten pretty good.

so me and ben went to El Paso to play in this free tournament. the winner was going to receive a free copy of smash 4 for the 3DS. naturally, i wanted to go to this tournament thinking I was going to win, because Ben had first said he was not going to go (he destroys me like no other) and the best two players in El paso were not going to enter. I got this in the bag right? yeah!

nope, i lost to a bowser player. fucking. a.

however, ben DID win, and he gave me smash 4. that's how little fucks he gives about it. so i've been playing it, thinking i'm good at it… and i keep losing close sets online. it reminds me of brawl, sure, with a little faster engine and a few more combos, but that's no reason to complain. if i suck, i suck. and i do, here i am thinking i have a lot of knowledge in smash and that i can switch between smash games and be fine, but as it turns out, you need a lot of experience to do that.

will i get better in this game? i'm leaning towards no. there's still a lot of fun game modes but if i start playing i'll be half-assing my practice and dedication because i don't think it's as fun as project m.

but i'll be playing every once in a while. i'm DECENT in smash 4 to be good against people that don't play smash too much, but if you put me against a decent player i'll lose with a very close match. i just can't seem to grasp to just take the match and i always lose even if i have the lead.

send me a pm if you want to play me, since i'm always in school or work i'll have to set up time, and i don't mind that, i just need to know ahead of time


Castypher 10 years, 5 months ago

haven't played it yet. most of my fun comes from fighting 1-on-1 with someone else, not from 1-player games.
Smash Run is multiplayer.

i didn't like lucas too much in brawl.. there wasn't enough of a reward getting attacks landing from him. the attacks are pretty weak and his solid killing move up-smash takes decades to start. i haven't seen enough matches to know if he's TT or not, but as far as i know, he was a pretty mid-level character. don't get me wrong, i love earthbound (hence also ness), but they weren't designed with a strong moveset. the mother kid's recoveries were horrible.
Are you kidding? Lucas's smashes and aerials were all very powerful for a fast little character and he had very strong knockout potential even if his damage wasn't that great. He did have a poor competitive scene, but solely because of his slow and predictable recovery (Ness too). Now Lucas is one of those characters who feels rewarding to play, but has a high difficulty curve. I like characters like that.

useless gredninja
While I don't like him much myself (what the fuck is with that VA), Greninja is actually a pretty powerful character with some high damage potential, but he's pretty difficult to play right. The same can be said about several characters, including Rosalina, Duck Hunt, Shulk, and Robin. Not sure how they're holding up in competitive play right now but I've seen each of those characters whooping ass online.

If you want Mewtwo, go play Lucario. He's got most of Mewtwo's kit with enormous comeback potential if you can survive being above 100% damage for a while.

if smash 4 stays alive while Melee and PM die off, i'll give up smash and move onto something else
That's a pretty elitist way of looking at things. If it came down to that (which I doubt), I'd read it as, "SSB4 is the modern incarnation of Smash as the players want to see it".

All this talk of being unable to skirmish in the air to secure a KO is a bit silly too. Meteor smashes are more reliable than they were in Melee, and plenty of decent players can secure a kill and still make it back onto the platform. I don't know what you're talking about. Same with safe shielding. Dodging is not that much different from Melee, apart from airdodging (and in turn the removal of wavedashing) and sidestepping (that one's a bitch). You still have plenty of frames to react to a character who dodges.

Other than that, I haven't decided yet which characters feel unbalanced. Maybe you can enlighten me on the subject, because it seems like you play far more seriously than I do.

NeutralReiddHotel 10 years, 5 months ago

i'll reply in a few days, got some hw assignments to catch up in

Quietus 10 years, 5 months ago

if i got sick for playing smash (which i kind of do, my eyes and head hurt after a few hours) i'd be super depressed, it's one of my favorite competitive games. i'm sorry hel, i wish i could cure this insane anti-smash condition your body has.

also, Mewtwo was absolute trash in Melee sadly, but that's exactly why i play him, it makes other newbies i play against see where they stand if I beat them and it makes them want to train harder so they don't get 4-stocked by such a low tier X)
lol, it's fine. i'm in a PC gaming phase atm anyway. :P i was never really the competitive type.

and yeah, Mewtwo was my favorite because he was alternately strong and very easy to KO - especially mid-air. So I enjoyed playing with that extra bit of risk. I always loved playing as Jigglypuff or Ice Climbers too, just to embarrass my opponent. Sucks they took out Ice Climbers. :( But oh well.

Yaru 10 years, 4 months ago

The same can be said about several characters, including Rosalina, Duck Hunt, Shulk, and Robin. Not sure how they're holding up in competitive play right now but I've seen each of those characters whooping ass online.
I played Shulk constantly vs a guy playing Meta Knight constantly for like 2 hours straight yesterday, and it actually went better than I thought! I've decided to main Shulk instead of Peach now, actually. The hard part with Shulk is that most of his attacks are stabs with really low AoE, so the most useful moves are the down smash (which has a really long duration, so it's very good to end a rolling game with) and Back Slash (most spammable melee attack ever! And its range is surprisingly big as well. Plus it lets you jump over several low attacks.). My strategy was based on using Back Slash a lot, with the same movement pattern (roll back to avoid repercussions), then suddenly I use Vision instead to counter-attack. It's really powerful if you almost never use it, since your opponent gets more careless if he doesn't see it coming.

Playing against a *good* human opponent is so much fun! I saved around a dozen replays just because the matches felt so good/stylish/etc.

Really enjoying Peach's new boosts, too. The side B is really viable now, and the up smash is now a meteor smash (you can even using it to hit Yoshi/Bowser/Dededee mid down-B! Really fun to knock someone out that way =P )