goodnight sweet prince

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Dec. 1, 2015, 10:32 p.m.

my daily life may be a rollercoaster. but let me take this moment to say one thing..

Goodnight sweet prince

i have spent hours on you. i have built my entire competitive attitude towards your first intentions: to have fun with something that was NOT meant to be fun. i have fun playing melee, and ironically in the last few months i had discovered how much fun I had with you Project M. Your stages are beautiful, the added characters Roy and Mewtwo completely necessary. Your All-Star and Turbo modes are mandatory. and the Melee physics being brought outside the top 8 cast of melee down to low-tiers and Brawl newcomers made this game so. fucking. fun.

and now you're dead. $100 and half a decade later, you're dead. i still remember donating that fucking money so your development continued, and it sure as shit did. but i can't believe you're dead.

Smash 4 sucks dick. i hate it. it's boring and floaty and cheap and long. who cares. it's a fucking balloon popping game…. not a true fighting game. i'd take you, PM, any day of the week instead of the shitballs that Sakurai is going to continue to spit out in spite of the competitive community.

R.I.P., I will do my best in Melee finals and studying your last patched version to bring this game back to life as much as possible.


NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 3 months ago

i'll lose that 1v1. i thought u were a canadian

twisterghost 9 years, 3 months ago

I'm 100% all american

1v1 my abhorant gun control laws dawg

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 3 months ago

it's this damn site. turns everyone canadian. i think i have part canadian on me too just cause of 64D

LoserHands 9 years, 3 months ago

im the best here! i beat thunderzreign's falcon and took 2 stocks off his dk using Snake, get netplay and fiteme

(4 stocks from his dk over two games i lost i mean, he double 2stocked me to beat me bo3)

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 3 months ago

never heard of him. if u said prof pro or rolex i'd know but i really don't know any good PM players.

besides, with the lag from playing online there's no way to play PM or Melee properly. i think everyone that does is kidding themselves. i'll play u anyway but i personally don't have it set up so i would need help doing so

twisterghost 9 years, 3 months ago

Netplay was really good for me and some friends practicing against each other for a little while, but eventually lag won out. It was weird, one day it just started lagging to the point where it was unplayable after weeks of no issues. Anyway, I did notice that I tended to win in-person but had a harder time on netplay. Maybe it was the lag, maybe it was them using a different controller (I had a GC adapter, they used xbox controllers). Who knows.

Point is I can't really play netplay anymore. Womp.

Other point is anyone who likes PM should try Rivals of Aether. Totally different in terms of nuance, but its a damn fine smashlike that I've been enjoying with friends recently.

Jani_Nykanen 9 years, 3 months ago

Other point is anyone who likes PM should try Rivals of Aether. Totally different in terms of nuance, but its a damn fine smashlike that I've been enjoying with friends recently.

Rivals of Aether looks like the game of my dreams, but c'mon, ONLY FOR WINDOWS? I think I'll play Smash 4 until the Linux port that might never come.

twisterghost 9 years, 3 months ago

Rivals of Aether looks like the game of my dreams, but c'mon, ONLY FOR WINDOWS? I think I'll play Smash 4 until the Linux port that might never come.

Well I know the dev plans to have it on as many systems as possible. Right now its in major alpha (0.0.8), so don't fault 'em just yet.

I tried smash 4, couldn't really get into it. Always-on buffering to the degree that 4 does it just messes with me. Also it takes forever to kill people, which I guess is why 2-stock is the standard there.

Jani_Nykanen 9 years, 3 months ago

Also it takes forever to kill people, which I guess is why 2-stock is the standard there.

This is probably the biggest flaw in that game (the floaty gameplay doesn't bother me). And since the omega-stages are a bit too big, it's especially annoying to play against campers who spam projectiles and run away when I get closer.

But I cannot say I don't like that game: I have played it about 290 hours (70 hours of 3DS version and 220 hours of Wii U version), and mostly "1v1 For Glory" -matches.

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 3 months ago

to whoever wants to know what really happened with Project M: apparently Nintendo had been intentionally blowing off Project M since all it did was encourage people to play more smash… however around the time Square Enix came around with Cloud, Nintendo was worried about not being able to keep track of it's own IP.

So the whole team of teenagers/freelance developers could face life destroying lawsuits. Even now, they are still in danger of having their lives broken over a simple mod due to all kinds of copyright infrigement. Even though the PM team likes to say they didn't distribute any game files that could mean they are illegally sharing, this is 100% bullshit as every build NEEDED to have modified but still originally from the Brawl disc.

This sucks. This really sucks because making fangames is something I do too… and the fact that Nintendo isn't really doing this for being greedy bastards, but because of the laws this project broke. Why the hell do these laws have to take place from something that is just breaking stupid bureaucratic laws? They are literally doing no fucking harm. They're letting people enjoy Brawl again, and make more tournaments, and make more videos and in my case more friends. If it weren't for Project M I wouldn't be playing competitive right now and hadn't just made money last night.

What's it to fucking Square Enix anyway? They make it sound like they're protecting the world from bad fans that like to steal content that claim it as their own. What, are they gonna start taking down all the stupid anime music videos now? What about Sega? How are they gonna take down all the porn images of Sonic and friends? So Nintendo and Sakurai probably weren't allowed to COLOR Sonic green? Goddamn this is retard logic.

This is the shittiest way for this game to go. I've been following it for years. There's been endless discussions about it. There's been so many tournaments already and I've won crap and felt badass for days for winning it. I've met some amazing players and fuck-as-hell people and had some of the best times of my life the past few years DUE to these tournaments. NONE OF THIS SHIT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED WITHOUT PROJECT M.

Poor guys, really. If they get their lives ruined due to how big of fans they are they this world is bullshit. Super utter fucking bullshit, because I know WAY bigger criminals that have gotten away with worse shit.