not like dis microsoft, plz

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Dec. 14, 2015, 8:25 p.m.

I've been wanting to write a post about a Windows 10 image I saw a few days ago. It talks about how exactly Windows 10 is breaking all kinds of rules you probably expect from your computer to not violate, but goes ahead and violates them anyway. I've been using Ubuntu Linux for a few years now, and because of one quirk (all videos have a flicker i never figured out how to fix) I decided to try out Windows 10. It was the best. Simplest. Thing. Ever. I loved it. All my videos are playing flawlessly with Windows 10, and with such a huge porn collection such as mine, this is important for me to fully enjoy the videos I've spent countless hours collecting.

Now, this isn't a bragging post about my collection. No, this is a post about how one little quirk in Linux made me switch back to Microsoft and made me commit the biggest mistake of my adult life:

Now, with all these privacy violations, I have to ask: who cares, really? I mean, anybody who has heard about windows 10 surely has heard about it's privacy violations.. so why didn't they switch? I mean, I heard them too.

Except, I didn't care until I read the specifics. Once I did, I said, "fuck this" and switched back to Linux in a heartbeat. No joke, I got rid of all my Windows everything MINUTES after I read this pic, not because the shit I do is so valuable or important and I don't want the FBI to know what I'm up to, but because I BOUGHT THIS GODDAMN COMPUTER and I should be able to do whatever the flying aerodymanic fuck I please with it. But nooooooooooo, Microsoft HAD to display the stick it has up it's asshole to the WHOLE world and violate all kinds of fucking rules any person with common sense would not agree to.

If Microsoft was really playing fair, they would be putting up ALL these things they're doing behind our back IN THE INSTALL SCREEN. That way you know right away the kinds of privacy invasion you're about to experience. But that's not what happens. That's not what happens at all, and because of that, I say, "fuck you, Microsoft" because I realize that Windows 10 is no longer the only operating system out there. Maybe years ago, when I was a teenager and didn't know what the word syntax meant, would I have been fooled into thinking I was stuck with this shitty OS. I didn't know my way around Linux terminology to save my life.

But now, I'm going to carry this goddamn piece of gold nugget life-saving gem that I call Linux Mint in my pocket (as a USB to install it), for ALL people that are sick of Windows 10 to enjoy.

you're looking at the face of your hero right now

Linux isn't perfect, but I do prefer it vs. what the crap-master Windows has become. I was fooled by it's features that mimic workspaces and the immediate search bar I received from pressing the Windows button… I love being able to press one key and start typing up the name of the program that I need to use, like "calc" would bring up a calculator in a second. When I saw that this wasn't exclusive to Ubuntu and that Windows 10 had it, I HAD to give it a try. So my disappointment is a whole lot bigger BECAUSE I expected something so simple and Microsoft, somehow, found a way to fuck that up.

LinuxMasterRace here. Please share your stories as how you decided to throw your copy of Windows 10 in the trash here, I will reply and congratulate you. And if you're using a Mac you are not part of this story.


NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 2 months ago

i'm lying there's a workaround to get that working too lol

flashback 9 years, 2 months ago

but virtualbox is my mortal enemy,
Psst. Virt-manager with a kvm windows guest. That's all I'm saying.

Jani_Nykanen 9 years, 2 months ago

Windows 10 isn't that bad, I just haven't used it since August or September. Why? Even though Windows 10 is the best Windows version out there (let's ignore the privacy concerns), I just don't like to use Windows. Linux is better for programming.

By the way, it's Linux Mint + Cinnamon I use nowadays, I have used it since… late last summer or early autumn.

twisterghost 9 years, 2 months ago

I don't particularly have a horse in the OS-race, as I switch between ubuntu, windows and OSX on a daily basis between work and home. I've enjoyed windows 10 so far, enough to say its my favorite version of windows to date.

As for the privacy stuff, I was concerned too, but disabling tracking via the settings and monitoring my network activity for about a week calmed my fears. I saw pretty much nothing going out to microsoft besides approved activity and timechecks.

That said, use whatever you want, I'm not your mother…er…sysadmin…

Now, what REALLY pissed me off recently wasn't phoning home, but was when OSX promped me to use Safari when I ran Chrome after upgrading to yosemite. I can deal with software phoning home, I've come to accept that, especially working in the industry, I really understand why it happens. But, when my OS has baked-in code to respond to my actions to persuade me to switch products based on the processes running on my computer, THAT I can't allow.

DesertFox 9 years, 2 months ago

I've been thinking of adding a mint partition to my disk - I've been eying it as my first real jump to linux. I fucked with a few distros in college, but nothing serious.

> with such a huge normal-sized porn collection such as mine


Castypher 9 years, 2 months ago

I've enjoyed windows 10 so far, enough to say its my favorite version of windows to date.
I think I still like 7 a little better, but 10 isn't awful. It's true that Windows 10 does have a bunch of creepy things listed up front and set as default (and some still set even after then), but most of the issues beyond that are extremely overblown. People tend to see one scary thing and make assumptions, and–

> with such a huge normal-sized porn collection such as mine
This made me forget any and all points I was about to make.

Astryl 9 years, 2 months ago

I use Windows 10 as my 'main' OS, with a Debian installation on my second HDD, and a Debian VM in Windows for the times I quickly need to do something in Linux.

Similar situation on my laptop (Windows XP on one partition, Debian on the other(s)).

My own take on Windows 10's "phoning home" is that it's pretty much the stuff Microsoft has been skimming for the past 10 years. There has been a lot of scaremongering over every new release of Windows since Vista… I suppose it's natural, after all, people want to protect their important data huge porn collections.

Psst. Virt-manager with a kvm windows guest. That's all I'm saying.
^ this.

A little project I want to do when I have some spare hardware and time, or when I next rebuild my PC, is to install Linux as the sole host, then do a passthrough of my GPU and technically never have to leave Linux again.

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 2 months ago

I suppose it's natural, after all, people want to protect their important data huge porn collections.

i don't want to protect anything. this isnt what this post is about. this is about buying a product and not getting what you paid to get. "additional features" are part of not getting what i wanted. i didn't buy a spybot. i bought a goddamn computer – a tool. how would you like it if you bought a screwdriver and as an "extra feature" it punches you in the face every 5 minutes? why not say "fuck that screwdriver" and just get one that isn't stupid and does what it's meant to do?

Omega_Squid 9 years, 2 months ago

I'm gonna need to verify this porn collection claim. Please share with the community. Don't hold out on us!

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 2 months ago

screenshot or what