How do you guys feel about Donald Trump

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on March 18, 2016, 12:58 a.m.

I know all of you are going to cringe at this, but you would lie if you said that you haven't heard about this already. I know you're all educated enough to have watched the news for the past 6 months.

Donald Trump is taking everyone by storm. That guy is fucking shit up. That's as vague as I can get. In reality, I know why he's doing so good.

He's saying what he's thinking.

He's literally not filtering himself. I know what that's like, and lemme tell you, it's beautiful to do that. So much of my day is spent filtering my thoughts so I don't offend anybody important, like a co-worker that can go to my boss and tell them I'm sexist, or a girl at school that will file a false-rape accusation towards me – both fuck me over badly, and both are very real possibilities. Filtering is EXHAUSTING, but I've also developed an ear for it. I know when people are being filtered, I've got a great tuner that tells me this.I can tell you this right now, Donald is not filtering at all. Yes, he's getting online nerds and uneducated people MAD. Like holy shit, I haven't seen this much hatred towards one man, EVER.

But it's also beautiful. Even though he generates this much hatred, he's also generating a lot of loyal followers. Look at the poll numbers and tell me this is the hand of the devil. Tell me this guy is an evil sexist rapist. And if you ARE going to tell me that, show me the evidence, because not ONE person has given me a true argument to show me that he IS all the things he is accused for. In fact, most people seem like they are following the sheep in hating this man.

And I am all for it baby. Be sheep if you want. I'll be my own sheep because I am definitely on board with this guy. I have NOT ever given a shit about politics before my boy Trump, and the fact that he FINALLY, FOR ONCE, gave me a political candidate that isn't trying to be a politically correct asshole (which these people sound like history teachers that's how boring they are and how much they put me to sleep), I'm going to give him kudos for that. Bernie didn't do that. Obama didn't do that. Hillary didn't do that. TRUMP did. TRUMP got me interested in politics because HE'S NOT FUCKING FILTERING.

Do you guys realize he KNOWS he's generating this much hatred and keeps going anyway? MOST, if not ALL people would start WETTING THEIR PANTS if they had a couple of people mad at them. There's NO WAY they could take all the haters Trump is taking daily. you don't understand… politically correct culture RULES right now. Anyone speaking in the same way Trump is would be beheaded. But HE'S DOING IT ANYWAY.

what a fucking pimp. what a bro. he's got a loyal voter from me.

Let the hatred begin.


twisterghost 8 years, 11 months ago

This is some USDA prime bait right here.

Anyone interested in reading nonbiased summaries (with references) of political platforms for candidates, this is a good website:

Doesn't list Kasich for whatever reason.

Trump appeals to those who are tired of the system, but don't favor someone like Bernie. He's really a republican Bernie Sanders, but maybe more "unfiltered". I think a nonzero portion of what he says and does is an act. He's a smart enough guy to know that with some intense rhetoric and showmanship during things like debates and rallies, he can garner a large portion of the uneducated vote.

That isn't to say he doesn't appeal to educated people as well, he just knows how to play the public and make gripping TV, probably from his time spent with the Apprentice.

I don't think hes as terrible as the media portrays him, but he does actually say some stuff that is worrisome, particularly the "kill their families" stuff, and how gung ho he really is about building the wall, and how he continually says "mexico will pay for it" and how will they pay for it? "They will pay for it."

Anyway I guess I've been baited. Trump is not my candidate of choice, but seems to be on a path to nomination. Just try not to become the stereotype angry Trump supporter if you do support him, its just as bad as the stereotype hyper liberal Bernie supporter, and neither helps to make anything better.

nap 8 years, 11 months ago

Speaking without a filter isn't really such a great trait for a president. I think he clearly doesn't believe a lot of the stuff he is saying which is my problem with him. It would be one thing if he had no filter and stuck to a clear set of opinions but he doesn't.

I never understood that part of his appeal where people thought he was unlike politicians who just tell people what they want to hear instead of what they are thinking. Trump literally just tells people what they want to hear.

I like some of his trade policies more than most candidates. I don't trust him not to make financial decisions purely to help his own bank account. If he gets elected I bet he ends up paying less in taxes than he does now.

But shits not going to hit the fan if he does get elected, presidents don't have all that much say. Same reason people are stupid for thinking that voting for Sanders will instantly make us Socialist.

colseed 8 years, 11 months ago

I mean he has been outed as a member of the KKK for fucks sake
No he hasn't. What are you talking about?
probably referring to that one interview where he hesitated to reject KKK support

(which he later alternated between backpedaling on and giving ambiguous responses, so it's all kind of ??? there)

Quietus 8 years, 11 months ago

Quick summary on that. David Duke, the former "KKK Grand Wizard" endorsed him on Feb 25, by saying voting against Trump is "treason to your heritage". Trump played dumb and refused to disavow David Duke until after the March 1st Super Tuesday elections, which included a lot of Southern states (like my home state Alabama).

Not disavowing David Duke was a shrewd political move that probably won him more votes in the South than he lost down here.

Omega_Squid 8 years, 11 months ago

Quote: Shitlord Drumpf
I love the poorly educated…

You got five choices: A false prophet, Ivy League Rainman, Mr. Establishment Optimist, A war criminal, and a Socialist.

Thanks, but I'm voting third party again this year. Dems/Reps are two sides of the same coin: The BUSINESS PARTY they don't give three flat F*cks what the people need, and most citizens don't really know what the f*ck they lose when they put elitist pricks in power.

Trump and Sanders offer different, if deluded perspectives that are refreshing at least in the fact that they aren't business as usual. I can appreciate that. However, Sanders promotes pipedreams that will never pass congressional roadblocks and Trump is not the great negotiator/team builder he likes to claim he is. He is a man who knows how to sell ice to an eskimo, and once you drink that koolaid it doesn't matter how many punches you throw in the faces of those you disagree with.

I hope this election cycle is the beginning of the end for the corrupt (and arrogantly perpetuated) two-party dichotomy in American politics. There are A LOT more options out there, but sheep don't want to think, they want to be led.

Libertarian Socialism FTW!!!



Here's a solid summary:

Kunedon 8 years, 11 months ago

Trump's got a bump

eagly 8 years, 11 months ago

The problem with Trump, as others have already pointed out, is that he's using racist and offensive rhetoric to garner the support of people uneducated in, uninterested in, or disillusioned with politics. He doesn't seem to have any solid policies, and he's making far too many enemies to actually be able to have a successful campaign or presidency. That's if he does actually get selected as the candidate for the Republicans and if he does actually win the election. I doubt both of those things.

His main policy seems to be about building a wall along the border with Mexico. And making Mexico pay for it. How does that work? He has said he thinks the wall will cost about $8 billion to build. This article puts the cost at more like over $10 billion. Then again, we've all heard about Donald Trump's financial prowess. He seriously overestimates himself.

I'd be very worried about what someone like Donald Trump would say during diplomatic negotiations with another country, and I would expect he'd let his petty judgmental opinions get in the way of any real progress. You can't make progress by telling everyone else that you're the leader and they have to do what you say.

Part of me thinks it's all an act and he knows he won't be selected as the Republican candidate. I'm not sure why he would go through that, but it's a possibility. Who knows.

But anyway just to indulge you, here are some quotes that show that Trump is racist and sexist, and just a general asshole.

Quote: Donald Trump
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending the best. They're not sending you, they're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. … And some, I assume, are good people."
Quote: Donald Trump
“If I were running ‘The View,’ I’d fire Rosie [O’Donnell]. I mean, I’d look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers, I’d say, ‘Rosie, you’re fired.’â€?
Quote: Donald Trump
“Our great African American President hasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore!â€?
Quote: Donald Trump (Talking about John McCain)
"He's not a war hero. He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured, OK, I hate to tell you."
Quote: Donald Trump
“All the women on The Apprentice flirted with me — consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.â€?

The man is an arrogant pig at the very least.

Toast 8 years, 11 months ago

I'm a lot more nationalist than I used to be. Or perhaps conservative is a better word (although the Conservative Party in the UK is not actually conservative at all). I'm also British. So it's hard to be passionate about American politics. I care about issues here. I'll be voting to leave the European Union, for instance.

What I can say about Trump is that I am utterly sick of political correctness, which seems to get worse and worse. I'm also sick of the US bombing the Middle East and having to deal with the fallout of that in Europe.

On the other hand I am sceptical of how self-interested he is as a billionaire. But left-wing millionaire politicians are self-interested too, by the way. Socialism is very profitable for consumer capitalism. More spenders means more buying in the market. That's why all the social media platforms love that stuff.

That said I'm not a huge fan of neoliberal, free-market economics which is what every mainstream politician seems to believe in, including Trump. He talks a big game about protecting against China, but only because they are themselves protectionist and that ruins the free market.

None of these politicians really care about the common person, but I guess no one running for president will ever be a common person. That's how I convinced myself that I prefer having a constitutional monarchy, anyway

Toast 8 years, 11 months ago

Well apart from provoking terrorism, ISIS is a sideshow. The real conflict is between Syrian rebels and Assad's government, which has caused the vast majority of deaths and displacement.

I'll admit that the US hasn't performed airstrikes against Assad, buy they were training rebels since 2011 and ended up in a proxy war against Russia, which more or less put an end to that little venture.

Of course there is also the small matter of America's most valued allies arming rebels, namely Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The escalation of the whole conflict leaves the US looking pretty guilty.

And let's not underestimate the damage that escalating the conflict causes. Prosperous cities with lots of homes and infrastructure have been turned into slums and ruins. Doing more of that would not have been a solution. It simply means more war, refugees and terrorism.

Jani_Nykanen 8 years, 11 months ago

I don't like Donald Trump, I don't like what he says, his ideology, anything he does. He seems like to be a man with a big mouth but not abilities to make his promises come true. Even though I live in Finland, I do care who becomes the next president of United States, because it affects the whole world. If Donald Trump tried to become the president of, let's say Sweden, I wouldn't care, only laugh.