How do you guys feel about Donald Trump

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on March 18, 2016, 12:58 a.m.

I know all of you are going to cringe at this, but you would lie if you said that you haven't heard about this already. I know you're all educated enough to have watched the news for the past 6 months.

Donald Trump is taking everyone by storm. That guy is fucking shit up. That's as vague as I can get. In reality, I know why he's doing so good.

He's saying what he's thinking.

He's literally not filtering himself. I know what that's like, and lemme tell you, it's beautiful to do that. So much of my day is spent filtering my thoughts so I don't offend anybody important, like a co-worker that can go to my boss and tell them I'm sexist, or a girl at school that will file a false-rape accusation towards me – both fuck me over badly, and both are very real possibilities. Filtering is EXHAUSTING, but I've also developed an ear for it. I know when people are being filtered, I've got a great tuner that tells me this.I can tell you this right now, Donald is not filtering at all. Yes, he's getting online nerds and uneducated people MAD. Like holy shit, I haven't seen this much hatred towards one man, EVER.

But it's also beautiful. Even though he generates this much hatred, he's also generating a lot of loyal followers. Look at the poll numbers and tell me this is the hand of the devil. Tell me this guy is an evil sexist rapist. And if you ARE going to tell me that, show me the evidence, because not ONE person has given me a true argument to show me that he IS all the things he is accused for. In fact, most people seem like they are following the sheep in hating this man.

And I am all for it baby. Be sheep if you want. I'll be my own sheep because I am definitely on board with this guy. I have NOT ever given a shit about politics before my boy Trump, and the fact that he FINALLY, FOR ONCE, gave me a political candidate that isn't trying to be a politically correct asshole (which these people sound like history teachers that's how boring they are and how much they put me to sleep), I'm going to give him kudos for that. Bernie didn't do that. Obama didn't do that. Hillary didn't do that. TRUMP did. TRUMP got me interested in politics because HE'S NOT FUCKING FILTERING.

Do you guys realize he KNOWS he's generating this much hatred and keeps going anyway? MOST, if not ALL people would start WETTING THEIR PANTS if they had a couple of people mad at them. There's NO WAY they could take all the haters Trump is taking daily. you don't understand… politically correct culture RULES right now. Anyone speaking in the same way Trump is would be beheaded. But HE'S DOING IT ANYWAY.

what a fucking pimp. what a bro. he's got a loyal voter from me.

Let the hatred begin.


Cpsgames 8 years, 11 months ago

You guys always pick on Sweden. :( I'm not from Sweden, but my friend that is says the Finns are jerks.

Polystyrene Man 8 years, 11 months ago

aw come on you know false rape accusations don't happen nearly as often as actual rapes. and being called sexist isn't on the same level as being the victim of harassment, which is something that most women experience regularly

also 'political correctness' a) isn't a law (so you're free to be as politically incorrect as you want) and b) is a lazy catch-all argument

NeutralReiddHotel 8 years, 11 months ago

aw come on you know false rape accusations don't happen nearly as often as actual rapes
i'm sorry, have you SEEN the statistics on this or have you just lazily swallowed the statistics (which are wrong mind you) that the PRESIDENT HIMSELF endorses? it's so sad to see a president lie about this.

isn't a law (so you're free to be as politically incorrect as you want)

actually, i'm not. i can get kicked out of my college and i can get fired. any statement that i regard criticism can be mislabeled as sexist, racist, prejudice, etc. that can prevent me from operating in the normal world. i am sick of it.

Polystyrene Man 8 years, 11 months ago

while researchers and prosecutors do not agree on the exact percentage of false allegations, they generally agree on a range of 2% to 10%

& yes it's true you can't harass your colleagues

You're acting as if being accused of discrimination is worse than being discriminated against

Sorry idk why I am doing this

twisterghost 8 years, 11 months ago

actually, i'm not. i can get kicked out of my college and i can get fired. any statement that i regard criticism can be mislabeled as sexist, racist, prejudice, etc. that can prevent me from operating in the normal world. i am sick of it.

I think you might have an overinflated sense of how extreme this issue really is. The real world isnt tumblr, and people largely just don't care what other people have to say. There is also an inflated rate of this in our younger generation, but still not to the extent that the internet makes it out to be.

The internet is a whole bunch of echochambers. Theres sites where people get hyper-offended by everything, tell each other that is justified, then get a false sense of oppression, then theres sites that say "look at this other site that is so overly offended by everything, this is how the world goes to shit! This is how the world is!" but in reality, its just another echochamber.

Tumblr, reddit, 4chan, even here in some cases. They allow like minded people to approve of each other, and even though these communities are teeny tiny compared to the actual every-day world, it can easily feel like its the norm, and can easily cause a false perception of reality.

That said, you should still be kind and well mannered to coworkers and colleagues. That's just how the world works. You don't get to use the hypersensitivity argument to get away with being an ass.

Don't let the internet determine your world view, and don't let it happen for others. Just as much as you might feel that you will be mislabeled, others might think something like free speech protects them from altering opinions. Both are symptoms of being padded in an online world of approving peers, and neither is right. You probably wont be mislabeled for saying something like "I don't care about seeing the new Ghostbusters movie" because in reality, most people think it looks fucking dumb. We've just blown the gender stuff out of proportion on the internet.

tl;dr hypersensitivity goes in both directions and is never right.

Toast 8 years, 11 months ago

I saw this today and it got me thinking. The fact this guy was arrested is even more ridiculous than his ridiculous tweet.

The Internet changes the way communication works. Suddenly everything you say is on permanent record and broadcast to the entire world. People are occasionally being arrested for things that are said a million times every day in private conversation. Your friends won't care, but if millions of people see you say something, suddenly it's a big deal.

On the other hand there's also anonymity and people saying things without any culpability, things they wouldn't dream of saying in real life.

I don't provide solutions to every dilemma. But it strikes that the world of websites like Twitter, where people publish their every thought under their real identity, breeds hypersensitivity. In order to survive in that world, you have to be so precious not to offend anyone, or being arrested is a real possibility.

I try to avoid that world altogether. And I also try not to get too comfortable in the warped perception of the anonymous world either

factnfiction101 8 years, 11 months ago

None of these politicians really care about the common person, but I guess no one running for president will ever be a common person.
Pretty much.