Wow, so many team requests, not so many people looking to be on a team. The title says sad, but I actually find this more humorous than sad. I mean, 1474 Topics with 101 Replies total? HAHA! I saw a guy who offered $1000 for someone to make an MMO for him, with, go figure, no replies… Probably was fake, but even so, you'd think a mob of n00bs would be like: "OMGOsh i wan t3h muny i go get u 0nl1n3s t3h engin an edit t3h spritezorz so u can pai me k?" And the flamers would be all "YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! YOU LAIR! YOU'RE PROBABLY SOME 10 YEAR OLD MAN IN A WHEEL CHAIR WITH NO ALLOWANCE/JOB! OMGee!" But nope, no answer, it's like a ghost town there. Some time I should go on one of those topics and play the harmonica…Anyway, I'll mention a few things in one paragraph, just to shake things up, since I usually have a bunch of tiny paragraphs, I'll try to make some sort of wall of text here, just for fun, okay? So I've been working on a cave story mod, it's fun to play around with. It's not great but it should be a respectable mod when it's ready. I may or may not post a link here when it's done, depending on how well the cave story tribute site community takes it. I also got adminized on CPSGames' site, which is pretty neat. I haven't done a lot of Game Maker stuff lately, partly because I'm just recovering from a nasty cold I've had for few days, it feels good to be healthy again.I really hate sore throats, but I got pizza and soda while I was sick, which was nice. Oh, and I finally got a learner's permit a while back, pretty pleased with that. Anyhow… This isn't a very respectable wall, is it? Oh well, I'm bored and low on content, I may as well just post the youtube video I finished this morning while I was bored, it's probably my most random and unprofessional one yet… Mission accomplished!:
I learned that forming teams over the internet almost always gets you nowhere. Its better to learn to work alone unless you know fellow game developers in real life.
You can't reply in them forums :P
You know that replies are disabled in the team request forum, right? The 101 replies are all from topics that have been moved there from other forums.
yeah replies arent allowed there :P
i think its kinda dumb, since i never check thereWell great, now I look like a n00b… Again… :P
It's ok, you still have a chance to redeem yourself: Look at the average number of topic views!
Don't worry it's like not reading the directions to a test everybody does it!Unless your not a NOOB
Aw, you got me all unhappy that you were sad, but it was just you laughing at the GMC >:(
your supposed to pm members to join teams..
I learned that forming teams over the internet almost always gets you nowhere. Its better to learn to work alone unless you know fellow game developers in real life.