Wow, so many team requests, not so many people looking to be on a team. The title says sad, but I actually find this more humorous than sad. I mean, 1474 Topics with 101 Replies total? HAHA! I saw a guy who offered $1000 for someone to make an MMO for him, with, go figure, no replies… Probably was fake, but even so, you'd think a mob of n00bs would be like: "OMGOsh i wan t3h muny i go get u 0nl1n3s t3h engin an edit t3h spritezorz so u can pai me k?" And the flamers would be all "YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! YOU LAIR! YOU'RE PROBABLY SOME 10 YEAR OLD MAN IN A WHEEL CHAIR WITH NO ALLOWANCE/JOB! OMGee!" But nope, no answer, it's like a ghost town there. Some time I should go on one of those topics and play the harmonica…Anyway, I'll mention a few things in one paragraph, just to shake things up, since I usually have a bunch of tiny paragraphs, I'll try to make some sort of wall of text here, just for fun, okay? So I've been working on a cave story mod, it's fun to play around with. It's not great but it should be a respectable mod when it's ready. I may or may not post a link here when it's done, depending on how well the cave story tribute site community takes it. I also got adminized on CPSGames' site, which is pretty neat. I haven't done a lot of Game Maker stuff lately, partly because I'm just recovering from a nasty cold I've had for few days, it feels good to be healthy again.I really hate sore throats, but I got pizza and soda while I was sick, which was nice. Oh, and I finally got a learner's permit a while back, pretty pleased with that. Anyhow… This isn't a very respectable wall, is it? Oh well, I'm bored and low on content, I may as well just post the youtube video I finished this morning while I was bored, it's probably my most random and unprofessional one yet… Mission accomplished!:
Me and my sisters boyfriend (who is also named chris >_>) both use game maker. Although I beat him in programming big time, but he tops me with his spriting.
Teams aren't made on forums. And you don't have to know someone in real life to make a team with them, you just have to know them on a more personal basis. Which means you IM them and stuff and end up deciding to work together on some project. Though Jukio and I kind of knew of each other and got along before deciding to colab and then began chatter. But still, in the end, all the processes happened. Without a forum
Same here.
Me and my sisters boyfriend (who is also named chris >_>) both use game maker. Although I beat him in programming big time, but he tops me with his spriting.Teams aren't made on forums. And you don't have to know someone in real life to make a team with them, you just have to know them on a more personal basis. Which means you IM them and stuff and end up deciding to work together on some project. Though Jukio and I kind of knew of each other and got along before deciding to colab and then began chatter. But still, in the end, all the processes happened. Without a forum