Well, I was brutally slain by a fellow 64D member late last night (or early morning, just shut up and keep reading! :o).
His plan was evil, as he placed a Burger in the middle of the room. Naturally, this was free food, so I ate it! While eating it, I didnt know that it had been infused with over 5kg of trans fat! I suffered Cardiac Arrest and crumpled to the floor, dead! :(However, thanks to a very long comment by sleepingjohnnyfish posted some time after my hideous murder, I rose from the dead to tell you this story!Immediate Action needs to take place…immediatley! :)I believe that I have now earned the Snitch, I survived murder, and I love trans fat badges! :PWell, what are you waiting for? Get BenRK before he strikes again!!!EDIT: A false photo was taken by benRK, 'proving' his innocence. Here was the real proof -
First Post
This will never be taken from me! Muahahahahaaaa!lol thats horrible here have a free avatar:
Ben does that to me all the time
Sweet, I think it makes meh look…dead…o_O
Huh? I'm confused…
i call it mecha squid
Damn it, they're on to me!
heres what u look like dead: