Browser wars!

Posted by Onyx on Aug. 30, 2006, 4:53 p.m.

No updates on "Hamster's Wheel" today I'm afraid. I acctualy did some work on it, fixed few bugs, optimised the code a bit but nothing interesting for you too see. Oh, yeah, you can now place a (wooden)crate you carry around on another crate but that's too minor change for a update in my opinion. When I do some more work on it I'll upload it here. Game tracking convinced me to do it before it's finished.

Now, onto the main subject: browser wars! Not trying to start a flame war here, just commenting the pool results. Yes, the one on D64, you do know it's there?

So, let's start:

Opera, 18 votes (10.17%) - I'm a bit dissapointed here as Opera is my favourite browser and I use it all the time. I expected at least 20-25%. OK, moving on.

FireFox, 91 votes (51.41%) - I don't know what everyone see in it. I have it installed on my computer, but it's only for testing purposes (when making a website) and a single extension (for downloading videos from YouTube, GoogleVideo etc.). It's just… bare. There's nothing special it can do without extensions (except for tabs, but there's nothing special about that). I prefer Opera, with bunch of features it works very fast, and I know people who tryed to extend FF to reach Opera's functionality, and they say FF slowed down to a crawl. Extensions are cool but I can live without them. I don't hate it, I just don't like it. Period.

Internet Explorer, 60 votes (33.9%) - Now, THIS is something I didn't expect. 1/3 64D members using IE? No, I don't hate it because it's M$, I don't hate it because it's so tightly integrated with Windows it's impossible to remove it (OK, it is, but let's not go there now), I can even forgive security issues (a good AV and FW should take care of that), but I have to draw a line somewhere. First, it butchers CSS

standard adding some of it's own "IE only" thingamajings (ok, Netscape did it too), then it blocks JavaScript and ActiveX controls by default (attempt to cover up it's security issues), adds popup blocker YEARS after other browsers, and we won't see tabs until IE 7.0 is released. Some kind of shell (Crazy Browser, Avant Browser…) can improve it, but it's still (good?) ol' IE. I just expected that people that come here can see it sucks. Well, some apparently can't. Enjoy your browsing….

Other, 8 votes (4.52%) - I won't comment much on these. They're probably Netscape or some kind of IE shell (and that's NOT a browser, it's a SHELL, it's still IE!). I don't think people that come here use Linux or Mac, but I may be wrong.

So, let the <strike>flaming</strike> commenting commence!

EDIT: hehe, "commenting commence" [:P]


melee-master 18 years, 4 months ago


I'm a bit dissapointed here as Opera is my favourite browser and I use it all the time. I expected at least 20-25%. OK, moving on.

I agree.


I don't know what everyone see in it. I have it installed on my computer, but it's only for testing purposes (when making a website)

Same here.

Cesar 18 years, 4 months ago

Opera is the best, and it'll go up once the DS browser appears, and it'll soar once the Wii browser appears… at least that's my hopes..

Onyx 18 years, 4 months ago

^^^…and not to mention Opera mobile. My friend acctualy played OGame on his mobile phone with 128x196 (or something like that) screen resolution!

Arcalyth 18 years, 4 months ago

I don't think that come here use Linux or Mac, but I may be wrong.

Why the hell do people think that because it's not Windows, it must be so different that everything registers differently?

You still use IE on Mac, or FF, or whatever they have (I'm not a mac user)

On Linux you can use Opera, or Firefox, or whatever.

melee-master 18 years, 4 months ago

When I come here on a Mac (usually from IT class at school), chances are I'll end up visiting with Safari.

Onyx 18 years, 4 months ago

You still use IE on Mac, or FF, or whatever they have (I'm not a mac user)

On Linux you can use Opera, or Firefox, or whatever.

I ment to say: GM works under Windows. So, you probably use Windows if you're here. And you can use Safari on Mac, or Konqeror (if I got the name right) on Linux, so that would qualify as "other"

Why the hell do people think that because it's not Windows, it must be so different that everything registers differently?

As you can see above I know what I'm talking about. So take it easy Arcalyth.

marbs 18 years, 4 months ago

Although I use FF, I think its too over-rated.

Amarin 18 years, 4 months ago

Firefox is my favorite. With DownThemAll and Dr. Web Antivirus Link Checker (that's what I use to scan before I DL).

miky 18 years, 4 months ago

Firefox pwns. I don't get why people don't like it. You can completely customize most of the browser, and there are PLENTY of plugins for it, so I can't think of anything that other browsers have that it doesn't, except incorrect HTML rendering in IE.

kafeithekeaton 18 years, 4 months ago

IE isn't that bad. It's better than Firefox IMO. It's speedier and more memory efficent. Also, They're upgrading IE too. :P Just give it some time. I agree with you though that Opera is better than Firefox. FF is way overrated.

Personally, myself, I use Maxthon which is an IE shell. It's pretty good.