GMG "List" Game Making Competition- Win $40!
Hey 64digits. It's been like… a long long time since I've posted. But anyhow, I'm just posting to say we Monster Users over at are hosting a game making competition where you can win $40!
Here's a carbon copy of the rules:You have to pick multiple genres from …Recruiting for 1st Real RPG in GM
All right, kiddos, it's that time. I'm working on an RPG, as you may all know, and I ocassionally update.
This RPG I am working on is known as Dual Dreams.

So, it's been about sixth months...
And, I've been up to everything. Yeah. However, you're all random people on the internet who don't care about my personal life, so allow me to bore you with relevant details.
As you all may or probably do not recall, I was working on an RPG. It looked like this: …Thanksgiving Status
Yeah, it's still Thanksgiving in California. Wooh!
Anywho, here's a turkey.
Ark 23
Yeah, I was bored. I made a parody. It's called Ark 23, because it's one above Ark 22. some reason, people thought I was making a serious game when I was making it. Kiddos, it's a parody. Parodies are not serious.Anywho, Kafei's here, in other words. And, …Harry Potter Book 7 Spoiler Leak
And this time, they're real.
Here are the spoilers wrapped up for you in a neat little package(Spoilers are at the top, so you've been warned!):, this is just to A: warn people that plan to read the book to disconnect their internet and sow their ears shut …Pool's Closed
So, everyone, it's that time of year again. AIDS is as maximum capacity and spreading like wildfire. It is due to this, that we must rally together to stop the spread of AIDS.
How do you ask? Well, do you know what Habbo Hotel is?…Wait, why am I …Snape Dies So Harry Can Kill Voldemort
I've made another high quality game! I've been bored again. I wanted to get one last one in before I left to Colorado. Enjoy!I'll be gone for two weeks, speaking of Colorado. Off into the large mountainy mountain… fun. In the mean time, run around in circles …This Game Is Better than Zelda: Barack Obama Quest!
So, I've made the second greatest game in the world.'s better than Zelda.Yeah, today I woke up, and fell asleep, and went utterly crazy, came to my senses, went bored, sat around, then made this. It was fun. While I've not been insane, though, I've been working …The Best Game Ever!
So, I have created the best game ever. will be wowed.So yeah, I played Earthbound the last couple of days and beat it real nicely. It was prety fun. I named Ness after Richard Nixon and gave everything else a stupid name, so yeah. Anywho, the mole …