GMG "List" Game Making Competition- Win $40!

Posted by kafeithekeaton on June 26, 2010, 9:13 p.m.

Hey 64digits. It's been like… a long long time since I've posted. But anyhow, I'm just posting to say we Monster Users over at are hosting a game making competition where you can win $40!

Here's a carbon copy of the rules:

You have to pick multiple genres from this list, anywhere from two to all, and combine them into one great game!

1. Christian

Do you love Jesus? Christianity? Being Religious? Why not do what any

wholesome love-filled Christian would do, and program a game to spread

this deep love!

2. Educational

Teachers suck, and video games rule. Kids have to learn, and we can learn

them well by shoving a video game that secretly educates them in front

of them.

3. Rhythm

Do you have rhythm? Awesome, most kids do. Most kids like music that

they can press coloured buttons to. This is a genre of games which is

made popular by being musically talented!

4. Militainment (Army Recruitment)

Because the draft is not "Ethical," sometimes the best idea to get

young kids crazy about killing under the name of the law is to make them

play a video game!

5. Therapy (Mental Illness Treatment)

The mentally ill need to be taught better, and using video games to do so is

commonplace! It's great! It's wonderful! Schizophrenics will love to get through

their problems with your program! Maybe the bipolar will love to hate (or hate

to love) your creations!

6. Advertisement

This genre is dedicated to you by Coke Beverages. When programming an

advertisement game, you can know that a tall sip of Coke will keep your fingers

nimble and your mind running. You will be a programming beast with the magic of

Coca Cola.

7. Government Simulation

Do you like Governments? Do you like simulating the Government? What could

be more fun than programming a Government simulation game! That would be

fun… To the extreme!

8. Disease

Not only is video-game addiction a disease, but so are some games! Program

a game centered around the life of a disease. It's functions and actions, or, what

it does!

9. Ladder-Oriented

Ladders are a magical creation that climbs and breaks the skies. You must program

a game about these wonderful monsters. Ladders are delicious, and so will you be!

10. Picking up Trash

Finally! Those who enjoy video games can learn better about cleaning up garbage!

A genre to be enjoyed by all, young and old! Get dirty with this wonderful genre.

11. Sports

Thumb Wrestling? Wife Carrying? Water Polo? Kickball? Moustache Growing competition?

Sports are the foundation of game, and you can recreate one of many sports that you

or your friends may or may not enjoy! Sometimes, sports are funner on a video game

than in the mortal shell of the human body!

12. Stealth Game

Sneak! Sneak harder! Sneak it up, to the next level! This extreme genre combines being

sneaky and not being unsneaked! Sneak it to the top, sneakhead!

13. Survival Horror Game

One of the downfalls to life is you never get to survive a zombie wasteland or a haunted

house. But, with the magic of video game technology, you can simulate what it may

or may not be like! Your creativity is the limit!

14. Puzzle Video Game

Use your intelligence and pattern recognizing skills to piece together solutions for

points! Use these points to brag about the cool things you can do by pattern recognization!

15. Top-Down Shooter Game

Walk around and shoot things! However, do it from a birds-eye angle! Straight down!

No holds bars!

16. Text-Adventure

A game where the audience has to use their vast imagination. Programming a text adventure can be fun!

Many great Text-Adventure games have been made, maybe you can make another! The genre certainly

is not dead! It just stinks!

17. First-Person Shooter Game

Nothing is more real life than a first-person shooter. Not even real life. Walk around with the view of a person,

place, thing, whatever you want, and do things. Probably shooting. What are you shooting? I don't know, you

figure it out, it's your creative imagination!

18. Side-Scrolling Game

Nothing is as conventional as the side-scrolling adventure. It's fun, and your creative mind and interesting choices

may create an entire new side-scrolling world!

19. Turn-Based Tactics Game

Turn-based tactics games are a very common game genre. Famous turn-based games include Shining Force, Final Fantasy

Tactics, Advance Wars, and the ever classic, Sam and Max: Hit the Road. Making a tactics-based games is for slow-minded

adventure enthusiasts. Make one.

20. Fighting Game

Nothing makes me feel at home more than a classic beat down! Survive the abuse in a Fighting Game! Where

people solve problems through world-wide tournaments that involve beating each other up!

21. Digital Pet Game

Pets are an enjoyable creation! Maybe you want to have a pet you can admire for a bit and not feel bad

when you lose interest in it! That's where a digital pet game comes in! Live out the dream, kid!

22. Racing Game

Move fast and make fast decisions in a racing game! Go top speed, slow speed, even medium speeds!

Racing games are the building block of games about racing, so why not give this genre a hand?

23. Party Game

Do you have friends? Do you have parties with these friends? Why not make a game to enjoy with your

friends at these parties? Heck, people like that stuff. Entire consoles are dedicated to party games! Jump

on the bandwagon, before it's too late!

24. Train/Airplane/Boat Simulation

You don't need a fancy license or permit to enjoy boat train and airplane driving! You can just put on

a game from this wonderful genre and feel the true fun of years of hard work, paid off!

25. Typing Game

Teach elderly people and children how to be up-to-date, by teaching them how to type!

26. Board Game

Board Games are those things you play when the power goes out. But, when the power is on, what's

stopping us from playing these games?

27. Real Time Strategy

Think. Make decisions. Be fast. Gather resources. Construct more pylons. Need more minerals. Can't build


28. Tycoon/City-esque Simulation

Sadly, most people aren't authorized to become a manager or mayor. However, due to the magic of technology,

you can pursue a world in management! Manage money! That's fun, right?

29. Roguelike

Dungeon Crawlers, for the most extreme of us. Enjoy getting your butt kicked if you play one of these

bad boys. Even programming one will kick your butt! But do it anyhow, you butt!

30. Erotic

:naughty: (Please, if you do choose this one, try and abide by the GMG rules. If you want, you

can ask what your borders are.)

31. Health (Within the Body)

Like Operation. But a video game!

You will be judged on:


2 Points: You did something amazing, and I love you. You're a great human being!

0 Points: Yeah, that was pretty cool, but not very original.

-2 Points: Not original at all. You really dropped the ball on me, here.


2 Points: This is really fun!

0 Points: Yeah, it has gameplay.

-2 Points: Booooring. I almost died of boredom playing your boring game.


2 Points: I was interested. You did a good job. You deserve a trophy.

0 Points: Yeah, I guess it entertained me. It didn't go above and beyond, however.

-2 Points: You have no visible atmosphere and an unoriginal/boring story, or no story at all. Why did you do this to me.

Interface (graphics and sounds):

2 Points: Cool sounds and graphics. It was great.

0 Points: You had sounds, and graphics.

-2 Points: Did you even try? I don't think you even tried.


Rokuji - Text Adventure Party Game

Toadfrogs - Top-Down Turn-Based Shooter

Link3000 - First-person Stealth game

Atom Bomb Jr. - Christian Militainment

The date this is due, well, we talked about it. It came down to this: We want a lot of great games from you kids! So, the due date is September 21st, 2010! That's a good amount of time to make something Godly!

PLEASE POST YOUR GENRES NOW! We want NO CHANGE in the genre you pitch! IF YOU CHANGE YOUR GENRE, YOU ARE DISQUALIFIED! And only ONE of each combination can be made! So no doubles of Advertisement Disease games, or Ladder-oriented First-Person Shooters. I am very excited to be helping host this competition! I really hope this goes through as well as we plan!

You may submit more than once, however, you can only have one current pitch at a time.

If you see any errors or want any help in what is going on, I will do my best to respond as fast as possible. Please, post in this thread over any problem, or to pitch a genre you want to make. Also, it goes without saying, try to do something completely weird and you're more likely to win. Also, new games only, please.

Team Games are allowed! However, only one of you is getting the money, you need to decide how to split it up for yourselves.


Kafka (20 dollars)

Andyw (10 dollars)

Atom Bomb Jr. (10 dollars)

Just make sure you register on GameMakerGames and post which idea you're applying for on the topic! Thanks for the interest!


Ferret 14 years, 8 months ago

Haven't seen you in forever. Welcome back. Sorry, but I don't have time for this.

Edit: very cool idea for a contest, combining these themes, very nice. I'm considering it.

kafeithekeaton 14 years, 8 months ago

Thanks! Yes, it has been a while. XD But man, what a while! I'll probably post an updated blog post one of these days when I get bored.

Rez 14 years, 8 months ago

Genius contest, I'm actually kinda inspired by this.

melee-master 14 years, 8 months ago


Acid 14 years, 8 months ago

:) - this is what i did when i saw you on the active users list

Cesque 14 years, 8 months ago

Genius contest, I'm actually kinda inspired by this.

A roguelike Christian game would be interesting.

SteveKB 14 years, 8 months ago

Can't do this atm working on the tggs4 contest at plusonedexterity for 100 bucks :p

However, I might work on this since I'll have time to work on this for about a month then :D

MMOnologueguy 14 years, 8 months ago

What's a monster user?

Construct more pylons
What must be constructed are additional Pylons.

Toast 14 years, 8 months ago

I might have to make my Survival Horror Rhythm game, just because it fits in your categories.

Juju 14 years, 8 months ago

Why can I only choose Christianity? It's not like you couldn't reword it to be about general religion, not just the West's preferred Abrahamic bullshit.