[PY]Hex-editing the US Mainframe

Posted by PY on Nov. 8, 2007, 2:30 p.m.


Let's begin, 6th lifeblog!

Sigh, school's been pretty boring of late, going through a period of 'internal monitoring and re-distrobution'. Basicly, we get an OFSTEAD done by the teachers, so originality in lessons=no, fun=no, in fact, difficulty=no, so no challenge, either!

Christ, what's the point!


Done nothing really, apart from this:

it's an intro to TE, 98% finsihed, I just want to get the next room to appear as the final logo fades away…

Anyway, you can use the code, if you like, but I'd ask for credit. I mean, if you don;t then you'll go to THE FIREY DEPTHS OF SATANIC HELL, but I won't chase you for it.

I think I'm addicted to the internet, and as such am cutting down, for example, I have 34% more logged-in time than the nearest person on the forums, and while that's because of firefox reloading the page every half hour, it's still worrying.

I've installed Ubuntu linux! With 'Wubi'!

And it almost worked…

Sigh, my computer hates me.


Damn Bryyo! I can't find that last energy cell, it's the fourth one in your inventory, about a hidden fuel-gell pumping station. Anyone know where it is?

-Teh Foxkeh-

FireFox, for the unninitated.

Loving the new extensions I installed, adobe reader style dragging, black and white style gestures, and loads more, it's just so… efficient now!

Anyway, signing off now, Phazie.


SoberMilk 17 years, 3 months ago

(I cut this from an FAQ)

This is the Energy Cell that a majority of people have

alot of trouble with, as it is definitely the hardest puzzle to figure out in

this game. First land at the spot where you got your first ship upgrade. From

there you want to head to the Fuel Gel Pool, which should be on your map. When

you arrive here, switch to your command visor, and pick up the large golem head

which you will be needing soon. Now head back through the Landing Bay, past the

Hall of Golems, and to the Colossus Vista. Now switch to your command visor

again and drop the head onto that statue in the background. The statue will now

come alive and break two things in the room. One, is a cage surrounding a ship

missile, and the second is a pile of rubble guarding a door. Head through this

newly opened door into the Machine works and use the Boost Ball slot in this

room. Doing this will turn the grating surrounding you around, and extending a

bridge. But the bridge only gets extended half way, so you'll need to get to

the other side some how. (Note: There's an Energy Tank in this room, which you

can use your Screw Attack to grab). Leave this room via the Morph Ball hole

behind you and head back to the Landing Bay, board your ship, and head to the

Thorn Jungle Airdock.

From the Airdock, head to the North Jungle Court, which should be on your map

because you have already been there earlier. This is the same room where you

once had to destroy an Anti-Air turret and grapple the three levers (Don't

remind me). In this room, climb up to the alcove level and look for a structure

sticking out of one of them. Scanning it indicates it to being a sort of

generator. Switch to your Command Visor and pick it up with the ship grapple.

Lifting it reveals a hole which you can travel through with MorphBall, which

leads you back to the other side of the Machine Works. Now that you are on the

other side, use your boost ball to finally complete the bridge, allowing travel

between the two areas. Walk over the bridge, and through the small hole on the

other side. Next, travel to the Hidden Court and climb up so you can get a good

view of this room. Using your Command Visor, you should spot a place to drop

the generator. Doing so reveals the Energy Cell, which you can obtain by going

up the Half Pipe, and jumping across to where the Energy Cell is.

kikko fergae 17 years, 3 months ago

I… dont like MP3… :(

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 3 months ago

Slit wrist m'kay?

FireflyX 17 years, 3 months ago

I always hated offstead inspection at school because the teachers put on a show. I once asked my science teacher in front of the inspector why we don't always have good lessons like that to embarass her XD

Josea 17 years, 3 months ago

To summarize what Mr Shrub said.

Go to the second seed shield generator you destroyed. Go around with your ship command visor to find something you can grab.

Go to the Hidden Court and look high around with your ship command visor until you find the right place to release the generator.

The cell is then unlocked and you can get it stupidly easy.

PY 17 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, I was looking around the 'firey airdock'…

@FFx, My maths teacher tought us the same lesson twice, so we'd look good. HE'd look god, I should say.

bendodge 17 years, 3 months ago

Try Kubuntu.

*arc passes out*

PY 17 years, 3 months ago

Am doing…

DesertFox 17 years, 3 months ago

'-Teh Foxkeh-'


Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 3 months ago

Mah knowse hurtz.