[PY]Hex-editing the US Mainframe

Posted by PY on Nov. 8, 2007, 2:30 p.m.


Let's begin, 6th lifeblog!

Sigh, school's been pretty boring of late, going through a period of 'internal monitoring and re-distrobution'. Basicly, we get an OFSTEAD done by the teachers, so originality in lessons=no, fun=no, in fact, difficulty=no, so no challenge, either!

Christ, what's the point!


Done nothing really, apart from this:

it's an intro to TE, 98% finsihed, I just want to get the next room to appear as the final logo fades away…

Anyway, you can use the code, if you like, but I'd ask for credit. I mean, if you don;t then you'll go to THE FIREY DEPTHS OF SATANIC HELL, but I won't chase you for it.

I think I'm addicted to the internet, and as such am cutting down, for example, I have 34% more logged-in time than the nearest person on the forums, and while that's because of firefox reloading the page every half hour, it's still worrying.

I've installed Ubuntu linux! With 'Wubi'!

And it almost worked…

Sigh, my computer hates me.


Damn Bryyo! I can't find that last energy cell, it's the fourth one in your inventory, about a hidden fuel-gell pumping station. Anyone know where it is?

-Teh Foxkeh-

FireFox, for the unninitated.

Loving the new extensions I installed, adobe reader style dragging, black and white style gestures, and loads more, it's just so… efficient now!

Anyway, signing off now, Phazie.


PY 17 years, 3 months ago

Yo teh Foxkeh, kay DF?

s 17 years, 3 months ago

Fancy intros need escape keys

The coding was nice in the use of one object, and it isn't intensive enough to demand use of cases and things. However, you may find that you can take away the object by using window_set_visible(1) and then coding in a loop based animation with the RoomCode

Yep, lots of work to take off an object, but still

PY 17 years, 3 months ago

Yes, but serpy.,, It's a tech demo! I might do that for my games, but I wanted it to not be intimidating, nor complex to alter.

On a side note, I'm working on a realistic, fast, side-on water system. It's going well.

s 17 years, 3 months ago

Fear bm_add

PY 17 years, 3 months ago

blend modes rock.

s 17 years, 3 months ago

bm_add will fail for a general use water system

PY 17 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, but they still rock.

(not, I assure you, that I've even started on graphical beauty yet!)