
Posted by PY on Nov. 20, 2007, 12:44 p.m.

Non be Nine, Blog be this.


T'is good, people, I gots an A* on my maths exam, and an A in the two science 'zams, which is very nice!

It's rained every day for a week, JUST as I walk home, or have a (dang) PE lesson.

On the subject of PE, who invented the damn subject? It's utterly pointless, atleast in my school, where though we're supposed to be doing Rugby (and Tag Rugby at that), everyone lieks footbal!, so that's what we're doing! Hooray for pointlessness!

I've never been any good at footballing, and seeing as we're never tought anything, as we all played it when we were younger and therefore don't need to learn, apparently. So it's 'Get into a game, foo.', and seeing as I have no idea what to do, and never get any better, and am crap, so I'm ridiculed and not given the ball, so I don't get any better, so I'm crap, so I'm ridiculed, and never given the ball… etc.

Hatefull sport, anyway.

–Gee Emm–

Not much, goven up on Dynamic waters, started Dynamic menues, which are finished now, and I'll release them soon. Been a linuxian for quite a bit of the time, and no Wine based GM, so no GM.

Hurray oop, JD, and DF81!

–Mey Nay Compay–

*Grumble* Crappy not wanting to pay >£500…

Alas, my dream of a 20k supermachine is in dissaray…

Yes, I have a 20k supermachine plan

Quote: My Ultimate Dream...


GFX Card : $2000 Quad NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX

CPU : $2400 6x Core Intel, total 24 GHz

RAM : $1800 12 GB total

Mainboard : $ 500 No idea lulz. PCI Express

Power : $ 500 1200W total (wtf dude?)

HDD : $1800 A *few* 2TB drives (3 of 'em)


Total cost: $9100


Drive : $2000 Read+Burn: CD, DVD, HD-DVD, Blu-ray

Tower : $ 300 No duh. Black + chrome!

Cooler : $ 500 Yay water cooler

Networka. : $ 100 Network adapter. Nothing special

Sound crd : $ 200 Sound card for up to 24 speakers

Monitor : $3600 Two 30" TFT DVI bitches!

Printer : $ 800 Printer, Scanner, Fax, Copyer

Sound sys : $1000 7.2 baby! SEVEN POINT TWO!!

Keyboard : $ 200 Da best

Mouse : $ 150 See above

Gamepad : $ 500 (inc. Joystick + Wheel etc.)

Other : $ 300 Lol wtf. Random assembly stuff (screwdrivers any1?)


Total cost: $9650

Software : $1000 Only the best. (Like NOT Microsoft Vista)




My estimate of $20 000 was actually quite good. :P

Thrashed out with Insane, from the GMC.

–Teh Foxkeh–

Speedy! Zooooooooooooooooom!

Wam-Bam! Etc.

–School Haxorising–

Damn their unusual levels of competance!

They've blocked the command prompt, those twisted fools!

Any way to get through it, you hackers out there?

~Signing off, PY.

P.S. With the recent banning of GearGOD, I'd like to take an intrest in the history of ol', and ask Who else has been permabanned? It happens so little, I'd like to know.

P.P.S I'm planning to make a Cooporative Online Multiplayer Gravity Altering Platformer, called COPGAP, but have actually never used mplay, and see no reason to start. Any good 39DLL tuorials out there?


marbs 17 years, 3 months ago

Who else has been permabanned?
I'm pretty sure revert was permabanned a while back, but I can't remember why.

basilamer 17 years, 3 months ago

Soccer ftw.

Football ftl.

PY 17 years, 3 months ago


@Basil; No, mo-fo, yo bi wo fo.

In other words, No it isn't, silly, they're the same thing.

basilamer 17 years, 3 months ago

I can teach you mplay if you want on MSN.

DesertFox 17 years, 3 months ago

Keyboard : $ 200 Da best

*cough*Optimus Maximus Keyboard*cough* - its 1500$USD

kikko fergae 17 years, 3 months ago


They've blocked the command prompt, those twisted fools!

Any way to get through it, you hackers out there?

I've been trying to answer that exact question for ages; on my network at school, you can't run batch files or executables, so I cant find a way to get more freedom without using a boot disk…


have a look see.

PY 17 years, 3 months ago

@DF, oh, for chrissake.

Add on another $1300, and the bast part is… my computer can't even run it! It's a keyboard!


@K, I ran meh Batch file, it's just the command prompt…

@Basil, if that offer was for 39DLL, I'd take it. Why learn someting weaker than another option?

kikko fergae 17 years, 3 months ago

Batches aren't restricted on your network? Lucky…

Then to open the prompt just make a batch file with

"command.com" in it.

PY 17 years, 3 months ago

Command prompt is blocked, though.

It comes up with

'Command prompt is blocked by the system admin

press any key to exit'

Haaah, dang.

I've gots a 1 1/2 hour lesson tommorow, I'll mess around, see what I can do with batches.

s 17 years, 3 months ago

Yes, I would never get that optimus thing

Besides, I'm more of a minimilist. I was half interested by the DAS series