Non be Nine, Blog be this.
–Liyfe–T'is good, people, I gots an A* on my maths exam, and an A in the two science 'zams, which is very nice!It's rained every day for a week, JUST as I walk home, or have a (dang) PE lesson.On the subject of PE, who invented the damn subject? It's utterly pointless, atleast in my school, where though we're supposed to be doing Rugby (and Tag Rugby at that), everyone lieks footbal!, so that's what we're doing! Hooray for pointlessness!I've never been any good at footballing, and seeing as we're never tought anything, as we all played it when we were younger and therefore don't need to learn, apparently. So it's 'Get into a game, foo.', and seeing as I have no idea what to do, and never get any better, and am crap, so I'm ridiculed and not given the ball, so I don't get any better, so I'm crap, so I'm ridiculed, and never given the ball… etc.Hatefull sport, anyway.–Gee Emm–Not much, goven up on Dynamic waters, started Dynamic menues, which are finished now, and I'll release them soon. Been a linuxian for quite a bit of the time, and no Wine based GM, so no GM.Hurray oop, JD, and DF81!–Mey Nay Compay–*Grumble* Crappy not wanting to pay >£500…Alas, my dream of a 20k supermachine is in dissaray…Yes, I have a 20k supermachine plan
Quote: My Ultimate Dream...
Barebones:GFX Card : $2000 Quad NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTXCPU : $2400 6x Core Intel, total 24 GHzRAM : $1800 12 GB totalMainboard : $ 500 No idea lulz. PCI ExpressPower : $ 500 1200W total (wtf dude?)HDD : $1800 A *few* 2TB drives (3 of 'em)————————-Total cost: $9100Accessories:Drive : $2000 Read+Burn: CD, DVD, HD-DVD, Blu-rayTower : $ 300 No duh. Black + chrome!Cooler : $ 500 Yay water coolerNetworka. : $ 100 Network adapter. Nothing specialSound crd : $ 200 Sound card for up to 24 speakersMonitor : $3600 Two 30" TFT DVI bitches!Printer : $ 800 Printer, Scanner, Fax, CopyerSound sys : $1000 7.2 baby! SEVEN POINT TWO!!Keyboard : $ 200 Da bestMouse : $ 150 See aboveGamepad : $ 500 (inc. Joystick + Wheel etc.)Other : $ 300 Lol wtf. Random assembly stuff (screwdrivers any1?)————————-Total cost: $9650Software : $1000 Only the best. (Like NOT Microsoft Vista)————————-————————-TOTAL GRAND PRICE : USD $19,750.-My estimate of $20 000 was actually quite good. :P
Command Prompt:
Hmm. Are you guys on xp, and if so, what server-side os?Also, what the fuck is the A* on, qualification wise?
Masters degree.
It's XP, and as far as I can tell, seeing as I went through system32, and copied some files, there are no batch file restrictions, though having to reprogram baseball.bat (:-)) every time is annoying.How can I give myself admin privs? I'm a tad rusty on DOS, I used to know it.@serprex, it does seem a bit over-the-top, yeah. I like my crappy £10 keyboard, it does it's job, and has survived countless keypresses.(not supersticious or anything)