Feeling contemplative

Posted by PY on April 30, 2008, 3:54 p.m.

So what should I contemplate?

Dunno, just been thinking, about the past, the present… future.

What is the future? What is time? I can't answer those questions, can't come close. Maybe someone else can, but at this moment in whatever we call an existence, I simply don't know. Which saddens me, I want to know, I'd like to find out, in a scientific manner. Has to be scientific, you see, I like the concept of proof, for anything and everything.

I'd renounce religion right here, were it not for the knowledge that they who do follow 'Him', or the leader, all powerful ruler, whatever, of their chosen faith would leap to it's defence.

Back to time, I don't like the idea of pre-destination, I like the idea that my life is mine, the pages of the script to my life are blank, to put it in a clichéd manner. I'd write those pages, as I see fit. Who knows what's coming next? Nobody really does, and no nobody jokes, please, I'm serious.

Even today, such a mundane task as walking home from school, I just happened to chance along my mum, who was walking along to the local shops, for vegetables. Routine? No such thing, anything can be interrupted, the future is unpredictable. T'was a strange set of circumstances indeed which propelled me towards the local Sainsburies, at 3 o'clock on a fairly uneventful Wednesday. I was early enough to be there at the precise time, becuase I had no need to wait for my sister, yet late enough precisely, becuase I stepped on my shoelace and had to tie it again. What if I hadn't? Would I have continied towards my home unimpeded, or was my 'chance' meeting prewritten?

How the hell would I know if either way was true?

Why am I even asking these questions, I have no way to answer them, what can they bring me?

Yeah, I'm in a dark, contemplative mood right now, no idea what's brought it on, I suppose.

On a side note, I have the latest edition of Ubuntu linux in my CD drive, ready to be booted into, when I can be bothered. Maybe not today. Or tomorrow.

Heck, maybe it's predestined when I'll do it?

Yeah… and to those people out there who say I'm never serious, I am. Oh, and visit IRC once in a while, will you?


Cpsgames 16 years, 10 months ago

I've had a moment like this, just wondering why things happen, and if that happened for a reason and such

SteveKB 16 years, 10 months ago

me no have firefox…me going to be killed now.

OL 16 years, 10 months ago

Here's something that will blow your mind when it comes to things like this:

There's an infinite amount of possible coincidences that could happen at any point in time, each with their own tiny statistical chance of happening. Each in their own, they are negligible.

When thought about together, it's easy to see that there is a fairly high chance that some sort of significant coincidence that will happen during a week.

Furthermore, meeting your mum unexpectedly like that may seem to have a crazilly low chance of happening. And you'd be correct. But what you have to think is, any number of other just as crazilly low possibility coincidences could have happened that day but this was the only one you saw was significant.

I think at the end of the day it's the human mind trying to put meaning where there is none. The universe is chaotic. Things are bound to happen given enough time.

PY 16 years, 10 months ago

Who mentioned firefox?

Regardless, why would we kill you for using a web-browser?

It's a web-browser, who cares? You want to use IE, go ahead and use it, if that's what you prefer!

All the security crap is all crap anyway, if you're careful online. Firefox users get fewer viruses, because firefox users tend to be more websmart. Sure, IE has activeX, but that's the only real big vulnerability, apart from straight human error.

Why does anyone care? I like firefox, why should I force it on another person? That's worse than one of those religious fools who truly believes you want to be converted. Except most people don't care what browser they use. So why bother? Who gives a flying shit about it?

Maybe I'm just seeing clearly, now, feel free to ignore me and flame meow, if you think people give a damn.

Same thing with OS X, some people prefer it. OS X has no particular advantage over windows, but unless you're a gamer, or power user, you're barely going to notice.

PY 16 years, 10 months ago

@OL, you're right, of course, but I just cannot accpt that there is no reason behind it, behind the fundemental basics of it. Not the act itself, that means little, but just… yeah, just the amount of unlikely happenings that occured got me thinking, on, and to bigger things.

Extravisual 16 years, 9 months ago

I believe that time is predefined. What will happen, will happen. What you perceive as freedom of choice is simply what will happen next in the grand timeline. There's nothing you can do to change it as those changes are simply part of the timeline.

Also, given an infinite universe and an infinite amount of time, everything possible, regardless of probability, can and will happen. This, after all, is how life began.

PY 16 years, 9 months ago

See, I don't know how you live, I'd go mad if I thought that.

s 16 years, 9 months ago

I believe in free will. However, the choices you make are done through deterministic methods. Given perfect knowledge of the state of the universe at the time of fruitation, one should be able to calculate every fragment of the universe's interactions and life

There are no random outputs, only unknown outputs

SteveKB 16 years, 9 months ago

Don't you need firefox to use the IRC or something? Well anyway

*becomes serious*

Maybe it's predestined or maybe it's not. If you look at the past do you think that it was always going to be that way or could it have happened differently, I think that it's referred to depending on what universe we are in, if we were in another universe maybe it would have only one difference from ours. This is just a theory though, the theory that there are an infinite amount of universes all with an infinite amount of little or large differences. So maybe it's predestined no matter what or maybe it's dependant of what universe we are in. Ask yourself when you make a decision is my choice going to be the one that was predestined all along even though you try not to make it the regular decision. I don't know what I believe in but what it seems like is that you are still allowed to make choices which seem as though you chose them, but then there are things that happen that you don't choose which can lead to things like happiness, sadness, death ect.

So I believe it's a combination of all the events in the world working together to create your path in life and that the choice you make will lead you to other choices or maybe it won't.

Also existence is everything in the universe, which would make us so small that you would almost think we didn't exist or are of any significance in the universe. What are the chances of all the people of the future continuing the advancement of humans to make our existence worth a little bit more than it is now or at any time in the past?

Extravisual 16 years, 9 months ago

One would think the past may have gone differently, but it didn't, and it cannot be modified, further proving the single timeline theory. The future will be as the past is, unmodifiable. I find the question invalid, as the choices we make, no matter what they are, will always lead up to one outcome based on them. The past shows this, every single event, action, and choice made by anybody and anything has led to one outcome, the present. Do we have multiple pasts? I don't think so, no.