Feeling contemplative

Posted by PY on April 30, 2008, 3:54 p.m.

So what should I contemplate?

Dunno, just been thinking, about the past, the present… future.

What is the future? What is time? I can't answer those questions, can't come close. Maybe someone else can, but at this moment in whatever we call an existence, I simply don't know. Which saddens me, I want to know, I'd like to find out, in a scientific manner. Has to be scientific, you see, I like the concept of proof, for anything and everything.

I'd renounce religion right here, were it not for the knowledge that they who do follow 'Him', or the leader, all powerful ruler, whatever, of their chosen faith would leap to it's defence.

Back to time, I don't like the idea of pre-destination, I like the idea that my life is mine, the pages of the script to my life are blank, to put it in a clichéd manner. I'd write those pages, as I see fit. Who knows what's coming next? Nobody really does, and no nobody jokes, please, I'm serious.

Even today, such a mundane task as walking home from school, I just happened to chance along my mum, who was walking along to the local shops, for vegetables. Routine? No such thing, anything can be interrupted, the future is unpredictable. T'was a strange set of circumstances indeed which propelled me towards the local Sainsburies, at 3 o'clock on a fairly uneventful Wednesday. I was early enough to be there at the precise time, becuase I had no need to wait for my sister, yet late enough precisely, becuase I stepped on my shoelace and had to tie it again. What if I hadn't? Would I have continied towards my home unimpeded, or was my 'chance' meeting prewritten?

How the hell would I know if either way was true?

Why am I even asking these questions, I have no way to answer them, what can they bring me?

Yeah, I'm in a dark, contemplative mood right now, no idea what's brought it on, I suppose.

On a side note, I have the latest edition of Ubuntu linux in my CD drive, ready to be booted into, when I can be bothered. Maybe not today. Or tomorrow.

Heck, maybe it's predestined when I'll do it?

Yeah… and to those people out there who say I'm never serious, I am. Oh, and visit IRC once in a while, will you?


sk8m8trix 16 years, 9 months ago

I'm feeling complicated. I don't know what that means.

F1ak3r 16 years, 9 months ago

LOL @sk8

As a Christian, I believe in God's eternal plan, and therefore, believe that our lives are predestined. Now, before I get flamed, I'd just like to say that this is MY opinion and belief, and, in the spirit of tolerance, I'm not forcing it on anyone.

Now, I like to think that we do have free will, even though things are predetermined. How does that work? Well, even if you do have free will, you're only going to choose one path at every choice that you face, and God happens to know what choice you'll make.

I also do not believe in coincidence. Everything happens for a reason, and even if it causes unfavourable consequences, it all works out in the end. Take, for example, my winter competition non-entry. I poured my life and soul into it, only to be let down by the guy who got me into it in the first place. I thought all was lost.

But, I still had an engine. And a pretty nice, functional engine at that. So, when the ancient civilization comp came around, I got the idea of Nebraska Newton, and used said engine for it. So therefore, even if what originally happened was a bad thing, and a loss, it worked out in the end.

This has probably been my longest comment ever. Yay!

OL 16 years, 9 months ago

I never knew Christians believed in predestination.

F1ak3r 16 years, 9 months ago

Well, we believe that God has an eternal plan, and I guess that's similar to predestination. I'm not entirely sure though, and could be wrong.

SteveKB 16 years, 9 months ago

SO is death a good thing F1ak3r, And I think heaven was created to make people feel happier about death because your existance would go somewhere else and not just dissapear forEVER. I'm not trying to flame your religion but i'm just trying to point something out, and also I don't have one.(religion, don't need one)

F1ak3r 16 years, 9 months ago

Well, death can be a good thing, yes. I mean, if you couldn't die, it would get rather boring after a while. I'm not condoning suicide, but death is necessary.

Look, I can't really explain everything, and I'm not going to try. God works in mysterious ways, and, as he made us, we cannot understand them. Think of it like a programmer making an AI program. Can said program truly understand the physical world and our human race? No, because it's just a program.

SteveKB 16 years, 9 months ago

Yeah I thought of like a computer program once but I still don't because he hasn't given us a sign which if we were able to make a smart enough ai we would give it proof of our existance not just believing in what someone else said and going with it, but whatever fits ourselves.