Made in like...30 minutes o_O (CHANGE>.>)

Posted by Pandaroo_Fang on Jan. 27, 2006, 11:44 a.m.

UPDATE:Yaaay, i found a way to add more stuff without polluting the front page with my entries. Flashback might eat me v.v

Me and chicklet are in class, bored… she's playing solitaire and I'm messing about on the internet…posting more camera-whoric pictures… aka:more pointlessness.

He's another version of me :D

<img src="" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">

<img src="" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">

And this is my chinchilla, Chaos :D

<img src="" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">

<img src="" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">

That's the original picture…

This is what I made

<img src="" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">

>.> what joo think? I think I can make it better, but the lack of correct photos agrivated me so I left it be. I kinda like it. Need to learn how to make burnt edges >w<

And here's my panda!! :D

<img src="" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">

Yeah. I need to work on stuff cause I have to start making my digital imaging portfolio for this class and to send to colleges when I apply to a 4 year. Must…practice!! >.<;;

EDIT: And yes, I used the same "stitches" picture. I can't find a better one, sooo if anyone sees one… :D please? I'd make my own but last time I drew some….yeeeah. And I have no scanner.


ludamad 19 years ago

One of my hamsters ran away to the basement, found this little hole and made a nest. We had to bribe him with food. The other one loved its cage so much and would sleep in his sock all day.

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

awww how cute. I love animals ^o^ I have two chinchi's, 4 dogs and 2 birds. What about you guys?

Kaz 19 years ago

Used to have 2 birds and a dog. Gave them away though, forgot why…

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

All of them?? aww…pets are nice to have. They're funny. I wish I could magically make a panda stay all a baby and keep it!! *squeal* >o> v.v but I can't

Kaz 19 years ago

Yea all of them. When I move im getting a doggie =D

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

oOOOOoo, what breed do you want?

Kaz 19 years ago

I like retrievers and boxers. I used to have a boxer when I was little, I used to ride her =P She died though =(

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

aww that's cute..but sad v.v My auntie has a retriever, and my old best friend had one too, they're really nice doggies ^^ I want a Husky *drool* and a pomeranian too…theyre all fluffy and small…mwahaha evil domination dog

Kaz 19 years ago

I like huskies too, and pomerainians a little. Lol how are they evil?

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

because…they're tiny… and fluffy e_e mwahahahhaa, all the signs of pure evil