Posted by Pandaroo_Fang on Jan. 29, 2006, 1:49 a.m.

Ok, background could be better… but still. I like how it turned out. :3 I need to learn more..techniques and stuff though…

<img src="" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">

The background…bleh, I couldn't find what to do with it so I just ended up smudging it lol…yaaay….looks sloppy but meh, I'm tired. The horns were pissing me off e_e Somehow still they could look better and the proportion was really annoying me but yeah…got it done.

Then I made me another copy to mess wiff lighting and stuff and this be what I got :3

<img src="" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">

I kinda like this one more >o> Hides the flaws lol. Ah well… yeah. Those two for tonight. Hope you likey ^^

Oh oh oh, and here's a funny cat I found on google….

<img src="" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">

mwahaha, it's like O_O Anyway yeah. Tis good I'm done, me ipods almost dead :P

I may make something else tomorrow, maybe using images off google insteaf of myself….depends on if I go to church or not. Might not though, feeling kinda…meh.

Or, I'm kinda wanting to post up one of my character sketches up here, see what joo guys think… maybe? Maybe not. Me no know… shall see. Well, for now.. I go sleep, or attatch myself to TV again after my ipod dies. Tty all later, night night ^-^


ludamad 19 years ago

Being beautiful is too easy for her ;P

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago


Maxcore 19 years ago

"There was more work put into this than it looks" Thats exactly why it isn't good.

SleepinJohnnyFish 19 years ago

haha YES my pic rocks

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

duna duna duna, google man!