Grrr(added too)

Posted by Pandaroo_Fang on Feb. 3, 2006, 1:37 p.m.

Councelers SUCK. We got our new programs today for the new semester. Ok, I had gone to her to talk about my classes SO MANY DAMN TIMES BEFORE… i told her (my counceler) for PE, if Mr.Pozo wasn't open for Tennis leave me in Ms.Taylors cause I didn't want Mr.O'Brean with YOGA…. so she said ok, I'll leave you in Taylors class cause Pozo doesnt have a 5th period. So ok, that was settled. Then she was going to give me another elective cause I need to credits, she wanted to give me Wrld His. B cause I had failed it, but i told her like 5 times I was already taking in Independant Studies…… ok…was all clear, right? NO.

I got my schedule, and I have YOGA… and Wrld His. B… wtf??? Are they retarted??? Do they not hear it enough times?? e_x. So now I'm gona hafta go around doing class changes which I hate, and if all the elective classes are taken and capt, I'm screwed cause i NEED those credits to graduate.

Sooooo all in all this is a sucky first day to a semester…. >.<;;;


*I edtied this so I wouldn't make another useless blog :D *

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Have you guys ever eaten those candies?? I know gml might've… BUT THEY ARE SOOO DAMN GOOD. Tamarindo, and their chile candies… good. I bought a box of 24… must…refrain…from finishing >.> *drool*


membrain 19 years, 1 month ago

Oh oh ooooooh… biggmax, you are a stupid one indeed. Even with that self proclaimed intellect of yours you severely lack the ability to interact well with others. So a big F*CK YOU goes out to you my friend…

And if this gets my sandwich eaten, so be it…

If you don't like what other people are jotting down on these blogs, then go make your own mutherf***in' site, and snag your own motherf***in' community.

Cuz I honestly think I speak for many when I say stfu!!!… "and die"

Maxcore 19 years, 1 month ago

okay. Maybe I will make my own community lol.

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years, 1 month ago

Mmm, little piggy just doesn't get it, do you biggmax? No one gives a crap about your little flames. If you don't effing like it, stop coming to my page. Suck it up, try to be the man you'll never be :3

ANYWAY, and to fsx, yay! your first comment to me lol, anyway. We can pick our classes, it's just the councelers are SOOO stupid. I go and set up my schedule and check serveral times, but STILL she fucks it up. Sooooo annoying. They do this everydamn year, and then THEY get pissed when all the students flood their offices with schedule problems. And thank you :3 Yes, chicklet told me about the blood thing lol Me too, but more with a gory scene and bloody body >.>

And and and and to membrain….weee!!! You speak for everyone so well :3

DSG 19 years, 1 month ago

@bigmaxx: make your own community? yeah. good luck dipshit lol

@panda: damn that really sux.

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years, 1 month ago

mmm pulparindo…*eats*

Josea 19 years, 1 month ago

i've never eaten those candies. =\

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years, 1 month ago

aww cmon!! And you're latino?? that saddens me v.v

But you've at least eaten tamarindo right??

melee-master 19 years, 1 month ago

Mr. Pozo eh? What a name. XD

Okay. I'm gonna start keeping track of people that argue… Ludamad and the staff know why. =P

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years, 1 month ago

My bio teachers name was Mr.Heiny… and his first name was Layne :P

aaaaand cause we're gona get blocked? In trouble? Flamed… some… horrible thing. I probably will end up caught, my temper flies too easily.

membrain 19 years, 1 month ago

I grew up in the barrio, so i use to eat all that stuff back in tha day: the pastes… the fruit pits covered in whatever the funk they were covered with LoL… all that sh*t… but my this day remains Lukas, I remember runnin up to the icecream man with all my lil cholos buyin up all the Lucas we could get our hands on Lmao… iz goooood