Grrr(added too)

Posted by Pandaroo_Fang on Feb. 3, 2006, 1:37 p.m.

Councelers SUCK. We got our new programs today for the new semester. Ok, I had gone to her to talk about my classes SO MANY DAMN TIMES BEFORE… i told her (my counceler) for PE, if Mr.Pozo wasn't open for Tennis leave me in Ms.Taylors cause I didn't want Mr.O'Brean with YOGA…. so she said ok, I'll leave you in Taylors class cause Pozo doesnt have a 5th period. So ok, that was settled. Then she was going to give me another elective cause I need to credits, she wanted to give me Wrld His. B cause I had failed it, but i told her like 5 times I was already taking in Independant Studies…… ok…was all clear, right? NO.

I got my schedule, and I have YOGA… and Wrld His. B… wtf??? Are they retarted??? Do they not hear it enough times?? e_x. So now I'm gona hafta go around doing class changes which I hate, and if all the elective classes are taken and capt, I'm screwed cause i NEED those credits to graduate.

Sooooo all in all this is a sucky first day to a semester…. >.<;;;


*I edtied this so I wouldn't make another useless blog :D *

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Have you guys ever eaten those candies?? I know gml might've… BUT THEY ARE SOOO DAMN GOOD. Tamarindo, and their chile candies… good. I bought a box of 24… must…refrain…from finishing >.> *drool*


Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

lmao how cute. Hell yeah., lucas is sooo good. Especially with the chile pops, dipping it in. Mmmm, LOVE spicyness…. but I havent eaten it in so long v.v

membrain 19 years ago

i know… i never see it anywhere but websites, and ill be damned if im gonna order "candy" frome the net o_O

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

lol haha. We have oodles of spanish markets piled with spicey candies… mwahaha *relishes in her spicey candy world* weeee

ludamad 19 years ago

Melee has a master plan to make everyone's blog pink when they least expect it, but i just ruined it and must be shot.

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago


Maxcore 19 years ago

At least I have correct grammer and sentance structure. Also, I find it pretty ironic that you would edit your blog to tell us about your favorite candy (still useless), because of what I said. Don't hate just because I tell people what I really feel. I'm glad you guys like waisting space on this once great <b>programming</b> community. As for making my own community, I have the power to do it, I have the web space, the domain, and the capacity to do it, I just choose not to. As for Firestorm, it is understandable that he backs what is happening to 64D, it's his community and the whole point of it for him is to get it as popular as possible, which would help if he ever wanted to implement ads, or just sell the domain. Also, you like you think that you are some sort of artist. I have news for you, you fucking suck. There is almost no natural ability in your work at all. You also said you were a writer, yet you can't even format your sentences correctly. You also failed World History B. How is that even possible, it is the easiest class ever. There are no theroms, no equations, it doesn't even require common sense. Well have fun in your pseudo-agnst ridden life, i hope you die lol.

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

"At least I have correct grammer and sentance structure" At least I can spell "grammar" and "sentence" correctly :3

lmao, you thought I edited the post because of what YOU said? Hah please, swine. No, I edited it, because I don't want to flood the front with my posts just about candy when i can just add on to the last useless post.

And NO I don't think I'm an artist, did I ever say that? No. Ok so shut up. I'm practicing and learning so I can better my skills ^-^. Aaand, don't tell me I can't write when you've never read ANYTHING I've written besides blogs, where I really don't care about the grammar and "structure".

And I failed WHB because the first three years of high school, I was a lazy fuck that didn't feel like doing her work so I failed pretty much all my classes, easy or not.

And don't worry, I will die…. eventually ^-^

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

"I have news for you, you fucking suck." As for that…. ^-^ it's sooo true.

Huh Kaz?? I eat babies :3

Maxcore 19 years ago

You should learn something about making arguments, never use something to prove a point that can also be used to prove your opponents point. I can say now that this is a blog and I don't care about spelling. I have a simple question, have you ever used game maker in your life?

tjg92 19 years ago

To biggmax:

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