Grrr(added too)

Posted by Pandaroo_Fang on Feb. 3, 2006, 1:37 p.m.

Councelers SUCK. We got our new programs today for the new semester. Ok, I had gone to her to talk about my classes SO MANY DAMN TIMES BEFORE… i told her (my counceler) for PE, if Mr.Pozo wasn't open for Tennis leave me in Ms.Taylors cause I didn't want Mr.O'Brean with YOGA…. so she said ok, I'll leave you in Taylors class cause Pozo doesnt have a 5th period. So ok, that was settled. Then she was going to give me another elective cause I need to credits, she wanted to give me Wrld His. B cause I had failed it, but i told her like 5 times I was already taking in Independant Studies…… ok…was all clear, right? NO.

I got my schedule, and I have YOGA… and Wrld His. B… wtf??? Are they retarted??? Do they not hear it enough times?? e_x. So now I'm gona hafta go around doing class changes which I hate, and if all the elective classes are taken and capt, I'm screwed cause i NEED those credits to graduate.

Sooooo all in all this is a sucky first day to a semester…. >.<;;;


*I edtied this so I wouldn't make another useless blog :D *

<img src="" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">

Have you guys ever eaten those candies?? I know gml might've… BUT THEY ARE SOOO DAMN GOOD. Tamarindo, and their chile candies… good. I bought a box of 24… must…refrain…from finishing >.> *drool*


Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

Whether you care about spelling in a blog or not, if you're going to flame someone about grammar, at least spell correctly while you're doing it.

And nope, thought that'd be obvious enough already that you wouldn't need to ask.

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago


Maxcore 19 years ago

See thats my problem, why are you at a GM community.

tjg92 19 years ago

biggmax, you are a gigantic faggot, do you really expect your questions to be answered? We're blessed with Pandaroo, a very fun member, and your like "Hold on mom don't put my daiper on yet, I have to say something bad about someone better than me." >:O

Maxcore 19 years ago

Better than me in what way? I am far superior in every way. Pandaroo should just give up at life and go cook and do something usefull.

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

Because it's open to everyone and I can be. And this is the only place I'm getting decent suggestions (aside from you and you're negativity) on my work. I've gotten help and tips from certain people.

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

*sigh* Guys like you make me sad, and seems sends everyone else on a flaming rampage. What I don't get is, if you don't like me and THINK "you're superior" to me, then why do you come to my page and waste your time talking to me??

Maxcore 19 years ago

Everything is open to everyone, but that doesn't mean everyone has to use it. The only work I've seen you post is graphics, why don'y you go to a graphics community like shiver7?

flashback 19 years ago

Ok people, calm down.

Biggmaxx, do not make me ban you.

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

I don't HAVE to use it, I CHOOSE to use it. And if the mod's have a problem with me, then they can feel free to delete me.

And because, I like the people here.