Grrr, stupid a* people!!

Posted by Pandaroo_Fang on March 28, 2006, 9:36 p.m.

Omg… I'm starting to hate my effing race!! >.<;;; bunch of brainless morons! Stupid walk-outs. More than half the damn students don't even know what the hell they're walking out for!!! They had to lock down our school TWICE to keep students from leaving, and still we had students from OTHER schools friggin rioting at the gates. Ahhh!! Kill them all! e_e

It's soooo stupid. They aren't doing anything but getting themselves $250 dollar ticket fines for leaving school and ruining OUR day in the process. They're proving NOTHING. They already showed up to school, got marked down, school got the money…. they're just making themselves look stupid!

Omg and the flags….. THE FLAGS!!! >.<;; How the hell do you protest to keep your families in the UNITED STATES but go around waving the MEXICAN FLAG and yelling Viva Mexico and Viva La Razza!!?!!!ONE ONE ONE… ARE YOU STUPID?! If you love it so much, GO BACK!! And then they want easy right to being in america but when Salvidorians and Guatemalens try to pass through mexico to get here, noooooo the Mexcians catch em and send them back, wtf is that?! Damn hypocrites.

Then the students are trying to defend themselves by saying if they're deported they'll be no one to mow lawns and clean houses because no one with papers wnats to do it…….. >:x o…m…g. one… IDIOT….. i'm sure there's plenty families here on welfare and poverty they'll be GLAD to take the damn job… TWO, if you're gona defend yourself at least say you want to learn, go to school, be something besides a GAWDAMN GARDENER!!!

Sooo damn stupid, I mean they prosted on the freeway…. THE FREEWAY! What damn idiot…. THE FREEWAY PEOPLE!!! Who the hell suddenly just decides "oh, I'll go wave my flag on the 405 :D yeah!!! Traffic'll be GREAT!" And I wanna know who didn't have the common sense to run their asses down?!

geez, this stupid prostest crap is only making hispanics look no… look MORE like idiots than we already do. Then after school, "You didn't go foo? Man… you a disgrace… you a discrace dah- (no, they don't finish the word "dog", they say dah) You aint no true hispanic" Maybe not bitch…. but we'll see who got the better end of the deal when you're cleaning my three story house in like 10 years.

Wanna prove the gov't wrong that we're not worthless and lazy? GET YOUR ASS IN SCHOOL AND LEARN!! Stop walking out and making yourself look like an effing moron on public TV and live radio!!

…Ah…. thar… had to release :3

EDIT: I got removed from the front page =/ why?


chicklet 18 years, 11 months ago

note to self:

- go to school…

-get a degree and get an education,

-buy vania,

-buy vania a bikini,

i forgot where i was going with this..

oh yeah,

they might pass the dream act vania!






Pandaroo_Fang 18 years, 10 months ago

The wha act? D: I confoosed T___T

ludamad 18 years, 10 months ago

I didn't take it off, but controversial stuff usually causes problems.

Pandaroo_Fang 18 years, 10 months ago

ah, I shee. Oties

drspazz 18 years, 10 months ago

*frowns disaprovingly* Yes, sadly it seems that this is how things work, people like to do this sort of thing. I don't know why but I think that they want pity or something thats why they [degrade] themselves.

gamehawk 18 years, 10 months ago

That sucks, glad to hear you're doing an awesome job to becoming one with a great life.