Struggling with game logo

Posted by Phoebii on Nov. 26, 2015, 4:19 p.m.

Oldest logo.

I like it, but it's unimpressive and unprofessional…

The idea was to make game logo out of the game itself.

Idea is good, but it's black and looks bad if background is not white.

Mix between two previous ideas.

Crazy shapes plus extreme black and white contrast hurts eyes.

Slightly less extreme than previous, but I still don't know if I like it…

Any ideas how to make these logo's better?


Astryl 9 years ago

@Steven: My counterpoint would be the current horde of crappy Visual Novel games and RPG Maker games that have well designed logos, and the loads of good titles that didn't bother but still do well regardless (Teleglitch and Risk of Rain use minimal logos that don't say a thing about the game, but they do well regardless).

But yeah, you make a good point. But my point still stands: Don't waste time on the logo, you can only perfect things so much before you get stuck in the artist's self-critique cycle of doom.

The "that'll do" mindset is dangerous, yes, but so is the "that won't do at all" one; but don't take my word for it, I haven't released a game in ages, much less even attempted what Zuurix is attempting. :P