Sector Six update: New combat released!

Posted by Phoebii on March 30, 2016, 12:14 p.m.

Hey all, so I have updated Sector Six!

Released new combat that I was working on for the last… few months?

Quote: Ferret

The gameplay is rather lackluster. I can only shoot what is directly ahead of me, leading to this strategy: hold down to shoot, stay still and wait for enemies who are also only shooting ahead to walk into my shot, move a bit if they shoot, repeat until those particular enemies are dead (can take a while), clean up any snipers in the back. This gets painfully tedious, especially on missions like "kill 50/100 enemies". Also this encourages making ships in horizontal lines to avoid horizontal fire. If there are weapons later on that mix up the way I shoot that I haven't unlocked yet, they need to be presented sooner, because right now it's not grabbing my attention enough.

Quote: Reiddsan

but goddamn do I hate just mindlessly shooting forward. one particular thing i'm not very fond of is the spaceship movement. i seem to move in units. so like, instead of having my spaceship go down just a little bit when i tap the down arrow key… it decides it wants to stepdance and go down a fixed distance instead of depending how long i held the button for and that irks me so bad. there's one spaceship whos pattern of shotting keeps me inside a bullet tunnel, so i have to manouver around it and because of how limiting the spaceship movement is i had to kept being hit even though I KNOW if the controllers were different I could have been hit a whole lot less. at one point i said "fuck this" and let the ship take health away from me so i could just straight shoot it.

The most of problems with the combat should be fixed now!

Probably spawned tons of new ones, but I don't know them, so would be awesome if you guys would help me find them =]

One problem, I can't update Sector Six here on 64Digits.

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Click here to download Sector Six from GameJolt.

PS.: There's also Mac and Linux versions of Sector Six in GameJolt!


Phoebii 8 years, 8 months ago

Right now my publisher is trying to get Mac developer license or something like that. Which is apparently needed to create Mac builds with GM:S.

Mac is not answering his questions, so that's why Sector Six still doesn't have Mac build.